Like I said. You project your own limited ideas in to things.
Just because you have recently learned and almost understand some basic ideas in molecular biology, such as smymbiotic theory to explain eukaryotic emergence doesn't mean you have any great knowledge.
You keep trying to go back to pedestrian stuff like mitochondria as remnants of prokaryotic cesll as if it is somehow anything but basic.
To you a "mind blowing" story is in actuality a rather obvious observation.
It's cool sure.
You are such a weird person, very cloistered it would seem.
What's the trippiest thing about it (ie mind blowing)?
You have lost your sense of wonder. You need to refresh your sense of self-worth pretty often, also, but that's another matter. If you somehow succeed in making the world safe for ID/creationism (because you feel so sorry for the poor picked-on ignorami), the answer to "Why do mitochondria have their own DNA?" becomes "Why should I second-guess Him?"
That bothers me. Yes, I learned all this recently and there it goes on the trash heap.
Doesn't upset you? You who supposedly revere science? Is it because you have a rather elitist view of science as something for a limited priesthood, the rabble being kept definitely out? It always seems to come down to that with your posts. And why do we have to be so exclusive? So the guy who's "happy" to be "tall" (or wishes he was) can imagine himself a little taller.
Try Viagra.