That's called "microevolution" and nobody disputes it.
This is why I say that an arbitrary distinction is not a barrier. Unlike most of your anti-E brethren, you have moved the micro-macro distinction up the Linnaean ladder to the level of order. You have to evolve out of the order Caudata to macroevolve for medved. (I assume here that going from salamander to mudpuppy or siren would not fill the bill for you. "Salamander" is a rather unscientific term which applies across several families in this order.)
But even a Linnaean order is an arbitrary distinction, the kind of thing people argue over. What is the real-world barrier?
It is the evolutionists which create arbitrariness. Heck in one of the posts here they call changing the sex call of an organism the creation of a new species! Guess Chinese are a different species than English, they talk a different language! I gave you non-arbitrary distinctions and explained the reasons for them in a post to Junior a few posts above this one. The distinctions for macro-evolution are: in taxonomy - a new genus, in terms of genetics a set of new genes, in terms of phenotype - new faculties and increased complexity.