Junior: VadeRetro has posted the series showing the modification of the jaw bones of reptiles to be ear bones of mammals.
slaphappy: Stuff like this is one of the reasosn people are quite rightly skeptical of evolution. So much of it has been junk science. (Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny -- not even logical).
Junior refers to the following:
Please explain how "recapitulation" applies here. Where's the ontogeny? You do not know what you are talking about.
You are slipping in your avowed role of word-twister and useage police. I have made two posts lately, one of which could be interpreted to mean I don't know a gene from an allele. The other could be interpreted to mean that I don't know an intron from functional DNA.
The more you post, the more you show you can't read.
No. That was just an example of the type of junk science I am talking about that has been asscoiated with evolution over the years.
Jaw bones of lizards becoming "ear bones" (what the heck is an ear bone) is just another example.