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Common Creationist Arguments - Pseudoscience ^

Posted on 03/13/2002 4:47:26 AM PST by JediGirl

Common Creationist Arguments


Pseudoscience is a scientific-sounding argument which in fact has no scientific validity whatsoever. This type of argument is based on the fact that the average layperson knows so little about science that he or she is liable to judge a scientific argument solely on its style and presentation (eg- "does it sound scientific?", or "does it incorporate scientific-sounding terms?") for lack of any other method of judging its validity.

Suggested Tactics

This type of creationist argument is difficult for most people to defend against, unless they are fairly knowledgeable about science (that's why it's so popular with creationists- they may not know anything about science, but they're gambling that you don't either). In my case, I simply call upon my knowledge of certain basic scientific principles that I learned in university, but I can't instruct everyone to do this, since not everyone has a technical background.

Therefore, it's difficult for me to recommand tactics for laypeople to counteract this sort of argument, but we should keep in mind that creationist pseudoscience arguments are almost never generated out of the mind of the creationist himself. They all tend to come from the same widely distributed pool of creationist literature, which is one of the reasons that creationists all over the world tend to spout the same pseudoscience arguments. I can offer the following suggestions:

    Remember that if your opponent has no direct knowledge of the science involved, and is merely claiming truth because "I read it somewhere", this constitutes a fallacious appeal to authority. Point this out to him. One should always be able to explain the logic and science behind one's argument rather than simply making vague reference to an anonymous source.

    Since these arguments are actually second hand arguments, demand to see the original source for his claim. When you see the source, check the credentials of the author. If they aren't fraudulent, check up on the university where the author got his degree. Odds are that the degree is either honorary, or it comes from a cheap diploma mill (or worse yet, one of the many church-run schools set up expressly for the purpose of handing out degrees to creationists). If you don't have the resources to check up on universities, try looking up the Talk.Origins website at, which maintains a list of discredited creationist "experts" and their bogus credentials.

Examples follow:

"Occam's Razor is a scientific principle which says that when faced with two theories, we should always choose the simplest theory. Evolution theory requires billions of years of chemical reactions, environmental effects, and genetic mutations. Creation theory simply says "God did it". Creation theory is obviously simpler, therefore Occam's Razor demands that we must select Creation theory on scientific grounds."

This is perhaps the single most moronic creationist idea I've ever heard (it's also been used to "prove" the existence of God, by arguing that the concept of God is much simpler than the study of science). It's a classic example of creationist pseudoscience. They learn the term "Occam's Razor" and they learn just enough about its definition to abuse it, but they make no effort whatsoever to learn its true meaning.

"Choose the simplest theory" is an oversimplification of the concept of Occam's Razor. The term is named after the 14th century philosopher and theologian William of Occam. It might strike some as strange that a scientific principle might have come from a theologian, but good scientists do not practice appeals to authority or ad hominem attacks. If an idea makes sense, it doesn't matter who it came from, and the universal acceptance of Occam's Razor is a perfect example of that philosophy.

In any case, he argued that we should never "multiply entities unnecessarily". In other words, cut out extraneous terms from an equation. He used that principle (which is really just an argument against redundancy) to show that it was impossible to deduce God's existence through reason alone, so one would have to take it purely on faith. The irony is that a theologian realized that there was no logical basis for God's existence more than 600 years ago but modern fundamentalists still can't figure it out, and actually use his name to "prove" the exact opposite of what he himself argued!

For those who cannot appreciate the simplicity of Occam's Razor in its original form, Isaac Newton restated it thusly: "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances." In plain English, when faced with two scientific theories which make the same predictions, choose the simpler theory. Or, as Stephen Hawking put it: "Cut out all the features of the theory which cannot be observed." (taken from A Brief History of Time).

Like all scientific principles, Occam's Razor is accepted not because William of Occam said it, but because it makes sense. You don't need to appeal to authority or take its validity on faith. If you are faced with two competing theories between which you have no other method of deciding, is it not obvious that the theory containing extra or unverifiable terms must therefore contain redundancies? The fact that the simpler theory can accomplish the same descriptive and predictive feats while utilizing fewer terms and not relying on unverifiable or unobservable phenomena is evidence of superiority.

Consider the analogy of two mechanical devices for making widgets. Both perform exactly the same function. In repeated, exhaustive tests, both are shown to produce exactly the same quality of widget, at the same rate, with the same raw materials. Both produce the same amount of waste. Both consume the same amount of electrical power. They cost the same. In other words, their performance is identical in every measurable way. The only noticeable difference is that device #1 is much simpler than device #2. It contains fewer components and mechanisms, and its operating principle is therefore simpler. Which one would you choose?

Suppose the salesman for device #2 is quite upset that you are leaning toward device #1, and he promises to do better. The next day, he returns with a new device (we'll call it device #3) which is completely sealed in black plastic (the classic "black box"). He says it's the latest, most advanced widget-making machine in the world. You feed it electricity and raw materials, and it spits out widgets. Its performance is no different from device #1 and device #2, but it is not user servicable. You can't see inside to figure out how it works, and the salesman refuses to let you see diagrams or schematics, ostensibly because the operation of the machine is beyond both your intellectual capacity and his. The salesman argues that device #3 is actually simpler than both device #1 and #2 because it has just one component: the black box. Does this make sense to you? Again, which device would you choose?

Occam's Razor is merely a name given to a logical and intuitively obvious thought process of eliminating redundancies. It cannot be used to choose between competing theories whose predictions are vastly different, any more than the simplicity of a drill press can be used to prove that it's superior to a fighter plane. Now that we are equipped with an understanding of the reasoning behind Occam's Razor, we can list some of the reasons that it cannot be used to support either creationism or the existence of God:

  1. Occam's Razor is a method of choosing between competing scientific theories. It is irrelevant when comparing a scientific theory to the concept of God or creationism because God and creationism are not scientific theories. There are no objective terms in the concept of God. No equations. No mechanisms. No limits. No methods through which it can be used to predict the outcome of natural processes. No methods through which it can be tested, or disproven. The concept of God is actually the antithesis of a scientific theory, in that one resorts to the divine only when one's reason has either failed or been voluntarily suppressed. In the analogy above, Occam's Razor was used to evaluate a pair of machines. It couldn't be used to evaluate a machine versus, say, a piece of music.

  2. "God" is actually not a "simpler theory" than science. "God" is merely a three-letter name which is affixed to a deity whose machinations are supposedly so complex that they are beyond mortal comprehension! If God's methods are inscrutable and incomprehensible to humans (as claimed in the Bible and by all Christians), then what business does anyone have claiming that they are "simpler" than a theory which humans can understand? In the analogy above, the concept of God is very much like the "black box". The salesman may argue that it's simpler because it's a nice smooth black box instead of a set of gears and motors, but that's a childish superficiality at best, and a bald-faced lie at worst.

  3. Occam's Razor is not invoked unless the competing theories make identical predictions. It is a method of eliminating redundancies, as William of Occam first reasoned, and it only applies when the performance of the competing theories is identical. When two theories make vastly different predictions (as is the case with science and Biblical literalism), then Occam's Razor is completely irrelevant. In the analogy above, Occam's Razor was used to evaluate a pair of machines whose performance was identical. If the two machines made widgets of vastly different characteristics, Occam's Razor would be irrelevant.

The use of Occam's Razor to "prove" the existence of God or the validity of Biblical literalism is a classic example of creationist pseudoscience, because it is so emblematic of their method: take a real principle and grossly misinterpret it to mean the exact opposite of what it truly means.

"The second law of thermodynamics makes evolution impossible. It states that complexity cannot be spontaneously created, so it is impossible for natural processes to create a complex organism from a simple organism!"

This is one of the oldest, and most popular creationist pseudoscience arguments. It's been kicking around for more than a century, thanks to general public ignorance of thermodynamics. In fact, it's wrong on so many levels that it's hard to know where to start! Perhaps we should start at the beginning, with the definition of the second law of thermodynamics. According to my engineering thermodynamics textbook, the second law of thermodynamics has two basic postulates:

  1. All physical processes create entropy (microscopic disorder).

  2. The entropy of a closed system cannot decrease, ie- entropy can be created but not destroyed.

That's a lot different from "complexity cannot be spontaneously created", isn't it? Big surprise- creationists don't know anything about thermodynamics. Now that we've established their bizarre misconception about the second law of thermodynamics, we should try to understand what strange mental contortions were necessary to go from "the entropy of a closed system cannot decrease" to "complexity cannot be spontaneously created."

Upon further questioning, creationists invariably reveal the following beliefs about the second law:

  1. "The entropy of a living organism can't decrease."

  2. "The creation of complexity requires the destruction of entropy."

  3. "The second law of thermodynamics applies to spontaneous events, but not to the deliberate acts of man (or deity). That's why humans can build a complex structure but natural processes can't."

These three beliefs are all completely wrong, and they all indicate a frightening ignorance of scientific principles. Let us examine each belief separately:

  1. Actually, the entropy of a living organism can decrease, because a living organism is not a closed system. Since it is an open system, entropy can leave and enter. Entropy doesn't have to be destroyed- just moved. The concept of the closed system vs the open system is one of the most basic concepts that we teach kids in high school, and if someone thinks a living organism is a closed system, he must be staggeringly ignorant. Food, water, and energy enter and leave your body all the time, thus making it an open system. Furthermore, an entire species is even less of a closed system than an individual life form, and evolution occurs from one generation to the next, not in a single organism as it ages.

  2. Complexity is not the destruction of disorder or the creation of order. In fact, there is more disorder in complex systems, as any student of chaos theory (or government bureacracies) can tell you. There is far more entropy in a nuclear power plant than there is in an ice cube, and a pretty snowflake has much more complexity than the drop of water from whence it came.

  3. Physical laws apply all the time, to everybody, regardless of intent or intelligence. If the second law of thermodynamics truly prohibited the creation of complexity, then it wouldn't matter whether the complexity is created by "deliberate" acts or by random happenstance- it would be impossible in both cases. It is utterly unbelievable to me that creationist ignoramuses would interpret any physical law to only apply in the absence of deliberate intervention. No other physical laws of physics are interpreted to apply only in the absence of intelligent intervention- does gravity shut off when humans intervene?

This argument has been so thoroughly disproven, so many times in so many ways, that it's almost comical when people keep bringing it up. They might as well just tattoo their foreheads with the words "scientific ignoramus."

"By taking a random mixture of elements and analysing the probability of elements randomly forming into the correct combinations and orientations to make a simple amino acid, I can show that it is probabilistically impossible for the simplest amino acid to form, never mind the first living cell. Therefore, a Creator must have formed the first organisms, if not all of them."

This argument is invalid for the following reasons:

  1. Spontaneous formation of amino and fatty acids has been observed in the laboratory, by subjecting an atmosphere of hydrogen, water vapour, ammonia and methane to electrical discharges and ultraviolet radiation. This simulates primeval Earth environmental conditions, therefore it is an observed fact, and not subject to debate.

  2. Chemical reactions are not random! Elements only bond in certain combinations. Light a match in a cloud of hydrogen and oxygen, and countless trillions upon trillions of hydrogen and oxygen atoms will react to form H2O. Not H8O, and not H5O, but H2O. Purely random combinatorics are a completely invalid way of modelling chemical reactions.

  3. The first living cell did not have to form from raw materials. It would have formed from more primitive components such as RNA, which was proposed many years ago as the first self-replicating molecule. It was even experimentally found to have catalytic capabilities for adding new nucleotides to the end of the chain or removing them, leading to the term "RNA World" to describe the origins of life. But even if RNA is not the candidate we're looking for, there is certainly no need to assume that the first organic self-replicators would have been full-blown single-celled organisms. The early self-replicators (such as RNA, if it was indeed the first self-replicator) would not have left fossils.

  4. This entire attack is a red herring, because evolution theory and abiogenesis (the formation of organic self-replicators from simpler organic materials) are two completely different theories. Lumping them together is just as fallacious as lumping evolution theory with Big Bang theory. The process of evolution is heritable change in populations over multiple generations. Because the process of evolution requires multiple generations to occur, it cannot possibly happen before the first living organism! It doesn't kick in until after the first living organism already exists! Even if abiogenesis could be disproved, evolution theory would still be valid.

I should also note that this argument is generally coupled with the fallacious reasoning that "anything we don't understand is proof of divine intervention." Poorly understood phenomena are not invalidations of science- they are opportunities for scientific investigation. If we treat every gap in our understanding as proof of divine intervention, we would be no better than the tribal primitives who attributed divine intervention to everything from solar eclipses to rain. Visit the Probability page if you want to know more.

"Some older species fossils can be found on top of newer fossils. This inconsistency in your so-called 'progressionism' proves that creation theory is correct, since it means that all species were created at the same time."

More bad science, since this only occurs with animal remains that are on the surface. What happens is that severe erosion or a geological upheaval can occasionally expose strata bearing fossils, and of course, when Skippy the Dog runs away and dies near these old fossils, the "Young Earth Creationist" crowd immediately interprets this as disproof of the entire fossil record, the entire field of geology, the age of the Earth, etc.

As usual, their argument is based on ignorance of proper scientific method. This evidence would be disproof of the fossil record if it was impossible to rationalize its existence with that record. However, that is simply not the case. Geologists can examine patterns in the rock to determine whether a region is old or new, cross-cut, the result of upheaval, etc. It is the creationists who will look at a region, assume its age without using proper methodology, and then use fossil findings in that region to "disprove" geology and evolution theory.

"Evolution can explain changes in a species, but where does a whole new species come from? Speciation is the downfall of Evolution Theory!"

This is another case of creationists projecting their own pseudoscientific attitudes onto evolution theory. In this case, they are predisposed to believe that the creation of a species is a sudden, dramatic event at some fixed moment in time. One moment there's species A, and then the next moment there's species B. Much as God created Man from dust, and Eve from Adam's rib, they imagine that "evolutionists" describe evolution creating a man directly from an ape. But evolution theory does not work that way.

Speciation is not a sudden, miraculous transformation from one species to another. The way creationists envision evolution theory, a pregnant female ape went into labour one day and a human being popped out! It is a gross understatement to say that this is a misrepresentation of the truth. In reality, evolution theory merely proposes that a great many small changes eventually caused an animal population to become intersterile with its ancestors.

Of course, this would mean that there should be fossil evidence of various intermediate stages between successful species, and there is. Naturally, creationists explain all of the evidence away by pointing the finger at their favourite whipping boy: the global conspiracy of evil scientists, who work tirelessly to cover up the truth and fabricate false evidence. These people watch "X-Files" too damned much.

"I know we've observed micro-evolution, but what about macro-evolution? There is no evidence for macro-evolution!"

The creationist invention of the terms "macroevolution" and "microevolution" is a good example of how they try to mutilate the terms of science to their own advantage. Biologists do not differentiate between micro-evolution and macro-evolution, any more than mathematicians differentiate between micro-addition and macro-addition.

Their argument that there is no evidence for "macroevolution" is ridiculous because "macroevolution" is simply the result of adding a lot of "microevolution" together, and "microevolution" is, by their own admission, completely supported by various forms of evidence.

The other problem for this argument is that there actually is evidence to directly support what they describe as "macroevolution", and it's called "the fossil record". It's evidence because it is consistent with prediction. Of course, that's not enough for the creationists- they demand direct observation of massive evolutionary change in living animals, even though they know that we would have to observe living animals for millions of years in order to obtain the evidence they seek. Can you see the problem with this demand? It's pretty obvious- they are deliberately asking for a form of evidence which is impossible to obtain (millions of years of direct observation), and ignoring a form of evidence (the fossil record) which is relatively easy to obtain.

The universe operates on tiny processes, affecting tiny particles, which add up in tremendous numbers to cause large changes. If someone is going to claim that a slow, steady process cannot create large-scale changes given sufficient time, he had better provide some evidence and reasoning, rather than simply stating it as a fact and demanding impossible forms of evidence to disprove it. Are we to assume that all gradual processes eventually hit "brick walls" and stop, for mysterious and unknown reasons?

Do we question tectonic plate theory on the basis that we've observed small-scale tectonic plate movement but not large-scale tectonic plate movement? Do we insist that no one should believe in tectonic plate theory until we've been able to observe it for millions of years, so we can see long-distance movements firsthand? Do we deny the possibility of large-scale rock erosion because we've only seen small scale rock erosion? Why would a gradual process like tectonic plate movement, rock erosion, or evolution suddenly stop after an arbitrary length of time? What would make it stop? Why make this ridiculous distinction between "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution?" Where is the line drawn between the two? What causes the barrier? These are questions that the creationists don't attempt to ask or answer, because like O.J. Simpson's defense lawyers, they're not serious about uncovering the truth. They just want to create "reasonable doubt" in the minds of a gullible audience.

The "microevolution vs macroevolution" argument is an example of creationists projecting their own mentality onto evolution, and then attacking the resulting strawman, ironically, for the very aspects that come from creationism. Creationism describes separate and distinct species: "each according to its kind". Creationists therefore make the same assumption: species are separate, indivisible, and disconnected. When they project this mentality onto evolution, they run into an obvious problem: there is no way for the process of evolution to "jump" over the invisible "barrier" between species. The problem is that they are assuming that this barrier exists! The terms "microevolution" and "macroevolution" are not found in biology; they are creationist inventions. Gradual changes eventually add up, and can turn one species into two, or they can cause a species to change so much that it becomes a distinct species from its predecessors.

As a thought experiment, consider human beings. It is generally assumed that any male/female pair of healthy human beings can produce children. But biological reproduction is a complex process, and it requires great genetic commonality. We know that two modern human beings can produce children, but what about a modern woman and a man from ten thousand years ago? What about a modern woman and a man from fifty thousand years ago? Is there still enough genetic commonality? Species are not delineated by distinct, clear boundaries. Rather, they are defined by intersterility and overt physical characteristics, and there is no "barrier" between species for the process of evolution to hurdle.

TOPICS: General Discusssion
KEYWORDS: crevolist
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To: gore3000
So if I publish a copy of say....1984 and place it in quotes, without acknowledging the author, I can do that legally?
2,201 posted on 03/27/2002 5:39:59 AM PST by oldcats
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To: gore3000
"Of course, any chance at insulting or discrediting someone you disagree with is fair game eh Oldcats? Guess it shows your Christian charity?"
I am just following your lead good sir.
2,202 posted on 03/27/2002 5:40:59 AM PST by oldcats
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To: JediGirl
Thanx dear....
2,203 posted on 03/27/2002 5:56:37 AM PST by oldcats
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To: All
A post I made more than 2 years ago, responding to a creationist who denied that there existed only "objective reality," repeated here because the conversation seems to have slowed a bit:
To: all creationoids

Yes, there would definitely need to be more than one reality in order for a supernatural creature to dwell somewhere, before this universe existed. And in this other magical, mystical domain, miracles happen, and there are no physical laws, just magic, whims, prayers, etc. Presumably it is in this never-never-land that heaven and hell are located (although earlier generations, relying on the bible, thought heaven was literally "above" and hell "below" us).

Although it's a bore, I must point out that there is utterly no evidence for this extra domain of existence, but it definitely is necessary if one is to believe literally in the bible. And from this hidden domain of spirits, gods, devils, angels, lost souls, and god knows what else, frequent sortees are made into this, our own base realm, so that they (the magicians or whatever they are) can work their miracles and magic here, in our world, and we can never know if the pot will boil, if the bullet will fly straight, if the creek will rise, if the apple will fall, etc. We can know nothing because of the activities in this other universe. Being ignorant and powerless, our only hope is to pray for mercy. Yes, it's all quite clear to me. No wonder my computer requires frequent reboots.

Okay, let's see now ... the creationoid position, or so it seems, says there is no fixed objectively determinable reality. They even claim that scientists agree with this nonsense, all but evolutionists. And anyone who disagrees with SR [probably a reference to "Sting Ray"] is said to be satanic, marxist, etc. (this, notwithstanding ZERO evidence of marxism among us, but evidence is never a problem for a fanatic).

And creationoids claim that all evidence of evolution is faked (like Piltdown man) or it's missing entirely (fossils? what fossils?), evolution is junk science, a political ploy, etc. (I do, by the way, think "social science" is exactly what SR claims evolution to be, but this is off-thread.)

On the other side, we have a few brave souls trying to explain that reality DOES exist, it IS knowable, that evolution DOES have a huge foundation of easily verifyable evidence, that it DOES hang together rationally, and that although it seems to contradict scripture -- the principle objection, I fear -- it won't be the first time this has happened (thus the many references to Galileo and the solar system and the shape of the earth).

So where do we go from here? It's like Galileo offering the churchmen the opportunity to look through his telescope to see for themselves the moons of Jupiter, while they would refuse because they could not deal with the consequences.

This thread, like all of its kind that have gone before, is going nowhere because we have two clearly self-defined camps: those who understand and practice reason, and those who sling the vocabulary around when it suits them, but who either don't understand reason or who do understand it but repudiate it in favor of mysticism. And neither camp will change, so here we are.
173 Posted on 11/28/1999 04:45:37 PST by PatrickHenry

2,204 posted on 03/27/2002 6:08:41 AM PST by PatrickHenry
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To: gore3000
It was found in a mine. It was seriously mistreated by the miners. There were other skeletons found with it which were totally destroyed.

Ah, the tune changes! Did someone Freepmail you some more creationist evidence-dismissing apocrypha? Why are you all conspiring to make me look bad? </AndrewC_mode>

If you don't like the evidence, discredit it. The skull's in bad shape in a lot of ways, yes. It could use a lower jaw, for instance. It has an odd circular hole that has been the cause of some speculation. I believe some of the goofy-theory lovers have tried to call it an ancient bullet hole. It all sounds like "Lucy's knee was found a mile away and sixteen sediment layers up from her head."

As far as having been reclassified from its own species, you can still see it cited as H. heidelbergensis, another minor intermediate species term falling into disuse. A very few echo your usage of H. erectus, but it's a very late erectus if so. At any rate, it is typical of you to want too much for arbitrary, beauty-contest classifications.

And what are all those skulls you lawyer away as "unclassified," meaning I assume that they show in-between characteristics? (None are actually unclassified. If anything, they are over-classified.) Why couldn't such be used as evidence of evolution?

2,205 posted on 03/27/2002 6:11:22 AM PST by VadeRetro
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To: VadeRetro
Ah, the tune changes! Did someone Freepmail you some more creationist evidence-dismissing apocrypha? Why are you all conspiring to make me look bad? < /AndrewC_mode>

Hi, No-Kin. I see you resort to typical Ad Hominem.

2,206 posted on 03/27/2002 6:16:05 AM PST by AndrewC
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To: VadeRetro
No-Kin, No-Kin
How did you get under Andrew's skin?
Are you Vade? Are you me?
Are you Junior? Who you be?
No-Kin, No-Kin
Maybe you're Darwin?
(It's tough to rhyme
All the time.)
2,207 posted on 03/27/2002 6:41:04 AM PST by PatrickHenry
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To: PatrickHenry
I have answered posts addressed to you. (Numberless times, I'm such a buttinski.)

That is proof that I am you and can't keep keep my role-playing straight.

Therefore, you should stop teasing me about my gall bladder.

2,208 posted on 03/27/2002 6:47:26 AM PST by VadeRetro
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To: PatrickHenry
No-Kin, No-Kin
How did you get under Andrew's skin?
Are you Vade? Are you me?
Are you Junior? Who you be?
No-Kin, No-Kin
Maybe you're Darwin?
(It's tough to rhyme
All the time.)

Maybe we need to call on Miss Cleo to conjure him up. Nope we do have Vade AKA No-kin(at least until he shows up to claim his name)

2,209 posted on 03/27/2002 6:52:49 AM PST by AndrewC
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To: VadeRetro
That is proof that I am you and can't keep keep my role-playing straight. Therefore, you should stop teasing me about my gall bladder.

You may have created me. My origins are so foggy that I just don't recall. One day, here I was, posting on FR. It's all such a mystery. Anyway, regardless of my beginnings, I have taken on a life of my own, like an evil character in an Australian Western, and now I am entirely beyond your control. Indeed, your creature is even better than you are, for I have a gall bladder! And you don't! Mmmmrrrruuuuhahahahah!

2,210 posted on 03/27/2002 6:59:42 AM PST by PatrickHenry
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To: gore3000
I've been out of the loop for a few days, so I'm a little behind on the discussion. I'd like to compliment G3K on giving me a better answer to my last post to him/her than the ones I've gotten in the past. Here it is, with my own comments:

Regarding my line that G3K might want a calculus textbook to affirm that God created life: That's a garbage analogy. Calculus does not talk about life, evolution does.

I'll admit I was being silly, but I had a point in mind and it was this: Calculus doesn't appear in the Bible. So, the important part of the answer (to me), is that G3K will accept things or ideas unmentioned in the Bible. Good. (Okay, okay, G3K posts to the web. But can we prove it's not through Devine intervention?)

Picking up the G3K answer again, and repeating the previous sentence for clarity, Calculus does not talk about life, evolution does. Evolution nowhere says where it starts and if you have been following these threads you will see that the evolutionists deny that God created life.[My boldface].

Hold it. Isn't this a contradiction in one sentence? "Evolution nowhere says where it starts" (I'm assuming the "it" refers to "life"), but "evolutionists deny that God created life." It certainly is a contradiction if you're referring to evolutionists writing about the theory of evolution. If you have evolutionists in a discussion somewhere denying that God created life -- a possibility inasmuch as within "evolutionists" you'll find people who don't believe in God -- the denial doesn't automatically become part of evolutionary theory. That would be like trying to say "Because my doctor told me last night at a cocktail party he doesn't like foreign cars, that's the official position of the AMA."

In fact, God's creation of life is totally incompatible with evolution. The reason is quite simple: if God created life, what is more likely - that the species were created by the convoluted, contradictory, almost impossible to think of "survival of the fittest" or that God created it?

This strikes me as a matter of opinion. In my opinion, neither is very likely. The odds are indeed against evolution happening exactly as it did. However, that's a meaningless statement, because whatever the odds might have been, what happened happened. The odds are against 10 coin-flippings coming up heads every time, but it can happen. Once it has, the odds of it's having happened are 100%. On the other hand, if you posit an all-knowing and all-powerful God, it strikes me as a tad insulting to Him that this screwed up mess of creation is something He did.

If one is a Christian and believes in the Bible, why should one think that God created life and then went to sleep?

Because that's where the evidence leads?

Certainly the Bible teaches that God is involved in the world. So why deny that he created different species as evolutionists constantly do.

Why insist that if God created different species, he didn't choose evolution as his instrument of creation? Now you're arguing interpretation. Find me two Christian sects that agree on every matter of theological interpretation and then ask yourself why they're different sects in the first place. Then we'll talk about all the other religions that claim to speak for God, and why none of them can agree with each other.

In fact, half the time their argument is 'you are not going to say that God did it are you?'. So yes, evolution does deny God and it does deny that God created life in the beginning.

G3K ... slow down. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, evolution is a scientific attempt to explain the diversity of life. Science presupposes no supernatural influences. You can't use science to say "God did it," because science doesn't allow for that hypothesis, whether it's about evolution or the germ theory, or aerodynamics. The reason isn't atheism, it's that you can't test the "God did it" theory. And again, you can assert that evolutionary theory has something to say about the creation of life, but that doesn't make it so. It's not part of the theory. To take a page from your postings, if you have proof of your assertion, "evolution does ... deny that God created life in the beginning," post it here. Asserting it will do no good. Find this statement in a scientific book about evolutionary theory, not a religious tract, and post it.

As to your posting on the Pope statement on evolution, yes, I read it, yes I remember it. And no, my opinion about it is none of your darn business.

I post it to point out that people seriously concerned with religion do not share your idea that evolutionary theory is atheistic. I keep prodding you about it because your every posting on the subject assumes the Pope's position is the same as an atheist's. I'd be interested in finding out how you've determined the Pope is wrong about Christian belief.

2,211 posted on 03/27/2002 7:20:30 AM PST by Gumlegs
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To: PatrickHenry
Standing ovation for your well spoken words Sir....
2,212 posted on 03/27/2002 7:41:34 AM PST by oldcats
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To: Gumlegs
people seriously concerned with religion do not share your idea that evolutionary theory is atheistic

A book I have not read yet, but intend to, is Simon Conway-Morris' The Crucible of Creation. Conway-Morris is an eminent paleontologist and evolutionist (his work on the Burgess Shale fossils is a major subject of Gould's Wonderful Life), and is also a professing born-again Christian. I understand that his book agrees with Gould on the paleontological interpretation of the Burgess Shale fossils, but draws a very different philosophical point from them.

2,213 posted on 03/27/2002 7:50:51 AM PST by Lurking Libertarian
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To: Gumlegs
As to your posting on the Pope statement on evolution, yes, I read it, yes I remember it. And no, my opinion about it is none of your darn business.
Sounds like you hit upon a tender spot there...Hmmmmm could his cool facade be wavering....if I wasn't such a nice guy....
2,214 posted on 03/27/2002 8:08:49 AM PST by oldcats
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To: oldcats
Standing ovation for your well spoken words Sir....

You are my greatest fan. Probably my only fan.

2,215 posted on 03/27/2002 8:12:54 AM PST by PatrickHenry
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To: PatrickHenry
Oh pashaw....maybe just the most vocal (so to speak)
2,216 posted on 03/27/2002 8:15:11 AM PST by oldcats
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To: VadeRetro
I'm a shape-shifter!
I'm a shape-shifter!
Feudin' with myself!

Don't you ever get tired of posting about your operation?

2,217 posted on 03/27/2002 8:44:18 AM PST by Gumlegs
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To: PatrickHenry
Been reading "Bloom County" comic strips again, heh?
2,218 posted on 03/27/2002 8:46:23 AM PST by Junior
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To: Lurking Libertarian
Well ... there it is. Thanks for the reference, by the way.
2,219 posted on 03/27/2002 8:53:16 AM PST by Gumlegs
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To: Junior
Been reading "Bloom County" comic strips again, heh?

I'd say he's been eating dandelions on the hill with Opus and Bill the Cat if you ask me.

Ack thhpit!!!

Watch out or I'll break out the Bill the Cat ASCII art.

2,220 posted on 03/27/2002 9:04:10 AM PST by ThinkPlease
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