Pardon me, I think I understand what you are saying, but may I ask if circumstantial evidence would be enough to convince you? Science seems to confirm much more often the presence of the Creator's hands than it discounts Him.
The example of our universe, in its laws, order, form, and seemingly timeless (even eluded to by the brilliant mind of Steven Hawkin) consistantly testify to the NATURE of this Creator. I wish I could prove beyond all doubt - for you - that this Creator we call God, is available to "manifest" Himself to you, but it is not my calling to be a defense attorney for His Most High. I guess this is why each of us are responsible for our own relationship to Him. If I or anyone else could "prove" God outside of faith - faith would become abjunct, and the need to seek God from a desire grounded in love would be discounted.
Personally, I hope you find the spiritual peace and comfort this God has freely offered and reserved just for you....
No. Incredible claims require incredible evidence.