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Five Reasons Real Christians Don’t Vote Democrat
Protestia ^ | August 17, 2024 | staff

Posted on 08/17/2024 8:34:52 PM PDT by Morgana

According to the Pew Research Center, more than 80% of Protestant evangelicals (those who emphasize the importance of a personal conversion to Christ) are supportive of President Donald Trump over a Democratic candidate. This is the largest demographic split between Republicans and Democrats of any sample group, whether blacks (only 71% favor Harris), Hispanics (the two are statistically tied), homosexuals (70% favor Harris), female voters (55% favor Harris), male voters (56% favor Trump) or even gun owners (61% favor Trump). But a whopping 81% of evangelicals agree that not only does the Democratic Party contradict their faith, it contradicts their faith so profoundly that they cannot support Kamala Harris no matter what their other beliefs (on the economy, for example) might be.

That evangelicals prefer Republican candidates, who tend to (but not always) share a Christian’s more conservative outlook on the world, is such a reality that it is often taken for granted. While Democrat operatives usually make a tacit plea of some variety every two to four years to win over evangelical voters, if no other reason than that money must be burned one way or another before election day, their efforts are typically no more successful than if a Republican were trying to win the Transgender Vegan vote. It’s a hard row to hoe, and that’s for good reason.

Unpredictably, the Kamala Harris campaign has launched Evangelicals for Harris, which astroturfs far-left radical evangelicals – all of whom identify as conservative evangelicals as convincingly as Lia Thomas passes for a male in an NCAA swimming competition. Nobody really believes Lia Thomas is a woman in the same way nobody really believes that convictional evangelicals will vote for Kamala Harris. There are only those who pretend they are one thing when they are another and those who cheer them on.

Evangelicals for Harris, like Evangelicals for Biden before it (then run by Rev. Jim Wallis), is a schtick, a gimmick tried each election cycle. Before them, there were evangelicals who supported Hillary Clinton (then promoted by Thabiti Anyabwile at The Gospel Coalition) and evangelicals who supported Obama (like Michael Wear, Obama’s “Faith Ambassador” who went on to peddle his message at megachurches, such as Summit Church belonging to former Southern Baptist President, JD Greear). But the reality is, these dignitaries of the devil are hardly influential, convincing almost no one, judging by the stats, that Jesus would vote for a party whose platform is closer to Satanism than Christianity.

In fact, the demographic chasm between evangelicals who support Trump and those who don’t is so astounding one wonders who the 20% of evangelicals are who don’t support the Republican candidate. One surmises that they are comprised of the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the Unitarian Universalists, and others that are largely dead or dying congregations comprised chiefly of aging homosexuals, female pastors, and on the life support provided by endowments and financial reserves afforded them by selling off the church real estate that accumulated when they still believed the Bible. These are the same types of “evangelicals” whose pastors do show-and-tell with their polyamorous relationships instead of delivering sermons. Nobody thinks they’re evangelicals to begin with, at least to any meaningful degree.

Here are five reasons why, despite the bluster from the left, real evangelicals will crawl over broken gay pride beads to vote for Donald Trump in 2024. And by the way, this is not an endorsement of Donald Trump. This is an explanation of why evangelicals vote the way they do.

1. The Democratic Party explicitly rejects God. Literally. They boo him. They hate him.

From 2012, the Democratic Convention denied God three times. Somewhere, a rooster might have crowed. This was twelve years or three election cycles ago, but God has remained absent since. He is not wanted in the Democratic Party, even in a symbolic or ceremonial way. Whereas certain Republican politicians may indeed be insincere (if you can judge their hearts) in their commitment to honor God in their convention and platform, you can undoubtedly judge with your own ears how sincerely and passionately Democrats reject Him. The Democratic Party hates Christians, hates Christ, and hates Christianity. Their detestation of anything remotely related to the God of Heaven is palpable.

Whether it’s imprisoning Christians who pray outside abortion clinics, sending swat teams to the homes of peaceful pro-life activists, or Kamala Harris prosecuting the whistleblowers unearthing Planned Parenthood’s dead baby interstate trafficking scheme but not the people parting out dead babies like a pick-and-pull salvage yard, it is safe to say that Democrats not only dislike you, they hate you and they want to see you in jail.

Instead of celebrating, or even mentioning, the birth of Christ, Jill Biden chose to have a gaudy, Christless, drag-friendly dance troupe make a display more akin to something one would see at the Paris Olympics than Melania Trump’s elegant and traditional nativity celebrations each year. Instead of celebrating or even mentioning the death and resurrection of Christ on Easter (in anything other than the same breath as honoring Ramadan and Passover), the Biden Whitehouse chose to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility.

Democrats hate you. They hate your God. They hate your traditions. And they show you no mercy, no love, no compassion, and no interest if you are a committed Christian. They want to eradicate you from public life, see your life destroyed and your influence ended. The Biden Administration appointed more people pretending to have transitioned their gender to his cabinet than Christians. It could not be clearer; they despise you.

2. The Democratic Party’s platform is a point-by-point refutation of the Ten Commandments.

God delivered his divine Law to Moses in writing approximately 3500 years ago (Exodus 20). Within it are revealed immutable standards of righteousness that reflect the character of God. This is the Law that is written upon the hearts of every genuine believer (Hebrews 8:10), binding our decisions and choices (like who to vote for), which appears to be something that Evangelicals for Harris don’t struggle with at all (because they do not know God).

God’s Law says not to murder, but Democrats conflate mothers with murderers and desire the unadulterated and publicly subsidized infanticide of infants. One wonders if when Moses read the 6th Commandment, Thou Shall Not Murder, for the first time, he recalled that his own life was spared when Pharaoh’s government instituted the first Planned Parenthood to eradicate Hebrew babies and the risky gambit with the crocodiles saved his life. The Democratic Party has made the American womb a more statistically deadly place than the Ukraine. An enemy combatant in a foreign theater of war has a better chance of coming out alive than an American within their mother’s body. Christians have the body and blood of Christ in Communion, but Democrats have the body and blood of infants in the trash cans out back of the abortion clinic. And for them, it is sacred.

God’s law says not to steal, but the Democratic Party’s economic policy is the “redistribution of wealth,” or, in simpler terms, theft. God’s law says that marriage – and sex, its consummation – is between one man and one woman, yet the Democratic Party not only tolerates but celebrates every kind of sexual perversity known to man. They celebrate sin during June, like evangelicals celebrate Easter. As the Satanists observe in the Occult, for Democrats, the death of innocent children and sexual promiscuity seem to form the nexus on their altar.

God’s law says not to lie, but Democrats promote speech restrictions to require compelled speech to lie via pronouns about people confused with gender dysphoria. God’s law says not to covet, but the Democratic Party leans heavily upon class warfare, capitalizing (pun intended) on jealousy and hatred between Americans of different economic strata. God’s law says to honor your mother and father. Yet the Democratic Party supports policies that forbid parents to have a say in their child’s decision to mutilate their young bodies permanently.

3. The Democratic Party believes the government has powers belonging to God alone.

Listen to Democratic campaign promises and watch their agenda once elected. Can the government control the weather? Yes, they can! They can prevent hurricanes (and earthquakes and volcanoes) and change the temperature. All they need is to tax you more, and behold, the power will be within their grasp.

Democrats believe they can prevent disease by legislative and executive fiat. Masks are magical, nay, spiritual for Democrats. Masks were, we were told, a symbol that transcended their technical scientific and medical uselessness. Masks signified that one was fully trusting in the power of a strong, centralized government that could ‘stop the spread’ and ‘flatten the curve’ by little more than an order issued by health magisteriums. Masks were worn with the same religious devotion that Muslim women show by wearing a hijab or nuns by wearing a habit. Masks signified blind and ill-informed compliance to a power greater than ourselves, that of the government, to cure illnesses. But like Pharaoh’s magicians who could turn water into blood but not fix the problem by turning blood back to water, it turns out the all-powerful government has the power to make disease (as Fauci knowingly funded the creation of COVID-19 in a Chinese laboratory) but not cure it. Vaccines turned out to be little more than snake oil, which Democrats treated with a reverence greater than Catholics have for Holy Water.

Democrats believe they can cure poverty by printing money and give no concern for the underlying root of poverty, which has traditionally been misfortune and bad decisions (and, in recent years, the Federal Reserve printing money). Yet, the Bible says that God makes the rich rich and the poor poor (1 Samuel 2:7). This is not to say that all poverty is the fault of the poor or that all wealth is to the credit of the rich. It is, however, to say that exactly how wealth ebbs and flows under God’s creative order is complicated, to say the least. The God of Providence decides men’s fortunes – usually by the virtues, values, and vices that the Democratic Party refuses to acknowledge play a role in the class system. Since 1964, the Democratic Party has declared a War on Poverty, and poverty has won.

The Democratic Party believes it can usurp God’s role as the one who ” made them male and female, both male and female he created them” (Matthew 19:4). By the decree of a lying county clerk, birth certificates can declare or un-declare a gender assigned by God Almighty. This, of course, illustrates the anti-science superstition upon which Democrats have built their worldview, but it’s nonetheless their attempt to cast God out of Heaven.

The Democratic Party believes that at the determination of a mother that her unborn child is inconvenient, the child can be killed without discretion. Surely this is the jurisdiction of God if anything is.

4. Christians cannot embrace a morality divorced from God.

Once a political party officially disavows God, as the Democratic Party has done, whatever morality it adopts must be of its own making. Americans are told it is “racist” to regard people according to the content of their character and not their skin color. Still, the Bible tells us God is not a ‘respecter of persons’ (Acts 10:34). Americans are told it is “xenophobic” not to have a porous border or to be concerned about lawbreakers, the mentally ill, human traffickers, or terrorists crossing without risk of federal intervention. And yet, God invented the border wall and commanded people to build one in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Americans are told that to advocate for the government to conscript other people’s money under threat of imprisonment to give it to others is loving and generous. Americans are told that it’s moral to demand a man or woman provide labor without receiving full payment because slavery has been redefined as an income tax. Yet God is anti-slavery. Democrats, who give far less to charity than Republicans, are cast as morally superior because they’re more generous with other peoples’ money. Christians don’t buy any of this and rightly reject this inverse understanding of what constitutes morality.

Americans are told that we’re being selfish for being concerned about diseased people coming into the country illegally by a government that demanded its citizens be vaccinated. During COVID-19, we were scolded for being “immoral” for listening to doctors and scientists who were speaking the truth about COVID-19’s origins and transmission or for not wearing a mask to protect others (despite the fact that masks did not protect anyone at all). We were told that to gather in multitudes in the memory of a dead drug addict was holy, but to gather in churches was immoral. Americans are told that carbon-based life on a carbon-made planet is harmed by carbon in the atmosphere and that plants that breathe carbon will suffer by having too much of it. To not believe climate alarmist meteorologists who can’t correctly guess the temperature within five degrees tomorrow, that the earth will rise in temperature by two degrees in the next 30 years, is to be a fundamentally bad person in need of reeducation. Americans are told that to not embrace the mental illness of a child, to not coddle the mind virus of transgenderism ideology, to not be supportive of what by all accounts is a tragic decision, is at its heart, fundamentally bad parenting. Americans are told that not being offended by speech is a right but that life is not. There is only one political party telling us these things. The Democratic Party

5. The Democratic Party is fundamentally violent, and Christians are a peaceful people.

While there are war-mongers on both sides of the aisle (looking at you, Lindsay Graham) who profiteer from the Military Industrial Complex and unnecessary, incalculable bloodshed has been committed by administrations of both parties (looking at you, George W. Bush), in this election cycle the war-hawks are mostly a part of the Democratic fold. An endless, pointless war in Ukraine is on the Democratic agenda for the Harris administration, should she win. So long as American troops aren’t dying, Harris doesn’t care. But Christians care about the lives lost by both Ukrainians and Russians and want the war to come to a swift end. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is not saber-rattling Iran, he is not playing both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian war, and he is not itching to bring us closer to WWIII and nuclear annihilation. This Democratic Party is far removed from the peace activists that filled its ranks in the Vietnam era. They are war pigs rooting up the blood of conflict, eager to get America into its next battle. Trump appears to be the only candidate since John F. Kennedy Jr. that is seriously setting about to reign in the power of the Central Intelligence Agency as war provocateurs around the globe or discussing reforms for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which has been weaponized against Christian groups across the country (for example, their use of the Southern Poverty Law Center to brand evangelical family organization as domestic terrorists).

And then the Democrat Party’s incitement of violence in America’s inner cities must be considered. As riotous criminals were burning and looting American cities to the ground, Kamala Harris backed a fund to bail them out of jail so that they could be released and go back to the violence. Her vice presidential candidate let Minneapolis burn, refusing to call in the National Guard, and his wife said she left the windows open to smell the burning tires. They have repeatedly sided with violent criminals like Michael Brown and George Floyd, who died not at the hands of the police but by their own immoral and stupid decisions. The Democratic Party does not care to investigate rapists, murderers, and child molesters invading the country who – as the news reports show – are indeed raping, murdering, and molesting American women and girls. The Democratic Party prosecutors, many funded by George Soros, are reducing violent felonies to misdemeanors and letting criminals back on the streets. And thanks to Democratic Party politicians, they can do so with cashless bail. They have given a literal get-out-of-jail-free card to people who seek to do our fellow Americans violent harm.

Evangelical Christians see through all of this, so the arguments set forth by groups like Evangelicals for Harris pass through one ear directly to the other. Their appeals to Christians in presidential election cycles are as sincere as their promises to members of the black community: shallow, empty, and vain. Evangelicals seem disinterested in accusations of Trump being mean when Democrats stand by and watch Americans be murdered and molested. Evangelicals don’t care what kind of morality Democrats applaud because we have seen what makes them jeer.

TOPICS: Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: christian; democrats; demonicrats; kamala; kamalatruth; prolife
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1 posted on 08/17/2024 8:34:52 PM PDT by Morgana
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To: Morgana

6. Everyone will give an account for his life (Ro 14:12).

2 posted on 08/17/2024 8:40:22 PM PDT by Salvavida
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To: Morgana

“Fake Christian Whores for The Whore”

No names, but her initials are J. Duford.

3 posted on 08/17/2024 8:55:47 PM PDT by kiryandil (FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
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To: Salvavida

Exactly. Those are six good reasons not to vote for the rat party.

4 posted on 08/17/2024 9:24:39 PM PDT by No name given ( Anonymous is who you’ll know me as)
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To: Morgana

You can be a Christian or you can vote for the rat party, but not both.

5 posted on 08/17/2024 9:25:03 PM PDT by No name given ( Anonymous is who you’ll know me as)
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To: Salvavida


Good list very well thought out and presented.

6 posted on 08/17/2024 9:26:36 PM PDT by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”)
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To: Morgana

It is a lot more simple than all that. The answer is Romans1:18-31. Not only are those who commit the sins worthy of death, so are those who condone the sinner. How one takes that depends on how he views the fate of his soul. To that end; every tub has to sit on its own bottom. Do as you choose but beware.

7 posted on 08/17/2024 9:52:51 PM PDT by Sequoyah101 (More important than why there was nobody protecting the AGR roof, how did Crooks know that?)
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To: Taxman


8 posted on 08/17/2024 11:08:49 PM PDT by Taxman ((SAVE AMERICA! VOTE REPUBLICAN IN 2024! SAVE AMERICA!))
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To: Taxman

Joe? Is that you? Pinging ones self is a tad sus. JS.

9 posted on 08/17/2024 11:11:05 PM PDT by Kudsman (Stop the steal 24: Vote early)
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To: Salvavida

THERE is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus....Rom. 8:1

10 posted on 08/18/2024 1:45:37 AM PDT by caww (O death, when you seized my Lord, you lost your grip on me......)
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To: metmom

Evangelica is’nt what it use to be - it’s so overused and misused today - just as Christian is.

11 posted on 08/18/2024 1:53:55 AM PDT by caww (O death, when you seized my Lord, you lost your grip on me......)
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To: Morgana


12 posted on 08/18/2024 4:08:25 AM PDT by sauropod ("This is a time when people reveal themselves for who they are." James O'Keefe Ne supra crepidam)
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To: No name given
You can be a Christian or you can vote for the rat party, but not both.

rat party is at war with Christianity

13 posted on 08/18/2024 4:45:27 AM PDT by SisterK (it's controlled demolition)
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To: No name given

There’s a handful of supposed Christians at my church, men who I had respected who I believe supported Biden. I have lost all respect for them.

I fully agree with you. You can’t be Christian and vote democrat. Mutually incompatible.

14 posted on 08/18/2024 5:23:45 AM PDT by cyclotic (Don’t be part of the problem. Be the entire problem)
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To: No name given

I wish I could say that here in this blue city which is mainly Catholic would vote Republican every election but unfortunately they are hard-core Democrats who constantly vote in radical communist rats every election season. Even our line enforcement high uppers are all Democrats sometimes turn the blind eye to crime. It is so hard to make a dent in this city. But they do love their abortioncommunism they love their rats. And as far as for abortion disguised as women’s health so killing babies is nothing to them they could care less and mind you I will repeat it again they are Catholic and there are some Christians in some churches that I personally know that would rather die then vote Republican. What does that tell you? Now you know why the globalist have been pushing abortions here in America with all their evil hearts because once the population would drop they would bring in their own illegal invaders to take over America and the voting block. The more Democrats they have the more they keep their power and their boot on our necks.

15 posted on 08/18/2024 6:01:44 AM PDT by RoseofTexas
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To: Morgana

I believe anyone who supports abortion on demand is part of Satan’s Army.

16 posted on 08/18/2024 6:43:52 AM PDT by antidemoncrat
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To: Morgana

My kin, all deceased never registered to vote as they did not want to be called for Jury Duty. Yet every four years they rise from the dead and cast their votes for the democrats.

I am Republican, have been on Jury duty and will only vote democrat after I am dead.

17 posted on 08/18/2024 7:38:41 AM PDT by Ruy Dias de Bivar ( Government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is force!--G. Washington)
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To: Kudsman

So I can come back to the thread easily.

Been doing it since 1998.

18 posted on 08/18/2024 9:04:57 AM PDT by Taxman ((SAVE AMERICA! VOTE REPUBLICAN IN 2024! SAVE AMERICA!))
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To: Taxman

Oh. Cool, got it. Most times I just reply to someone with a bump or asterisk when I want to read back later. Didn’t think of that though.

19 posted on 08/18/2024 9:11:14 AM PDT by Kudsman (Stop the steal 24: Vote early)
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To: caww

Everyone still gives an account for his life.

20 posted on 08/18/2024 10:37:03 AM PDT by Salvavida
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