Let all that has been Concealed
Be Revealed.
Father, We Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem,
According To Your Will and Promise.
We Pray That You Will Forgive The Sins
of Our Own Nation,
and Lead us all to Godly Repentance.
Create in Us Clean Hearts, Oh LORD,
and Renew a Right Spirit Within Us.
This we Pray Together,
As We Await Your Messiah,
Blessed Be He,
To Set Up His Kingdom,
And Make All Things Right.
God Bless America.
In Scripture, Egypt, like Babylon, is more than just a geographic area or even a culture or a civilization. Egypt, with its awesome architecture, distinctive art, wealth and glittering courts were (and still are!) a very epitome of human achievement and elegance. This was not just true in the ancient world. The discovery of King Tut's Tomb in the 1920's caused a huge response in fashion, decor, architecture, and the Arts, which has not yet abated. Western museums often gauge their quality based on the size of their "Egyptian Collection."
But, in spite of its beauty and glory, Egypt had a dark side. Its religion was tightly controlled by a hierarchy of priests who exploited the people, and wielded such power that they were able to depose and destroy the one king who did not "agree" with them. The ordinary people lived a primitive life of toil and drudgery, all to support the giant monolithic government. The beautiful art and architecture was all in service to the State, and in the end, was used to celebrate Death. Archaeologists have a rough time finding any ruins that have to do with everyday life, and have only recently been able to find the remains of some homes of working people. "Working People", meaning, a huge work camp in the shadow of the Pyramids, and the Pyramids, of course, were TOMBS.
Nevertheless, Egypt and Babylon projected an image of wealth and prosperity. Wealth and prosperity are not bad things in and of themselves. In fact, these two things are among the Promises of God in Deuteronomy 28, when the "Blessings and Curses" are pronounced. The catch is that we are not to go to "Egypt" or "Babylon" for help, but to the Lord.
Isaiah speaks of people who "Can't handle the Truth", like that famous Jack Nickelson Movie Scene ("You want me on that wall!...another coincidence?) People who want the Wealth, Prosperity, and Protection of the Lord but refuse to listen to Him, and look to others for that Blessing, still exist in our society. And, it would seem, the only one actually PROSPERING is the one preaching the false message.
We Pray That You Will Forgive The Sins of Our Own Nation, and Lead us all to Godly Repentance. Create in Us Clean Hearts, Oh LORD, and Renew a Right Spirit Within Us.
Amen! Abba Father, thank You for hearing our prayers!