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The Synodal Church is Shaping Up to be Protestantism in Union with a Bishop of Rome
The Remnant Newspaper ^ | June 10, 2024 | Robert Morrison

Posted on 06/10/2024 11:31:42 AM PDT by ebb tide

The Synodal Church is Shaping Up to be Protestantism in Union with a Bishop of Rome

In his 1928 encyclical on religious unity, Mortalium Animos, Pope Pius XI wrote that Christian unity can only be achieved through the process of non-Catholics returning to the “one true Church”:

“[T]he union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it, for in the past they have unhappily left it. To the one true Church of Christ, we say, which is visible to all, and which is to remain, according to the will of its Author, exactly the same as He instituted it.”

We do not hear this often from bishops today but it remains true, no matter who argues otherwise. The ecumenical movement, which animated Vatican II and has been the driving force for numerous post-Conciliar initiatives, is an attempt to circumvent and oppose the truth that Christian unity can only occur through the return of non-Catholics to the one true Church. In reality, though, the false ecumenism promoted by Rome today can only unite those satisfied with Satan’s lies rather than those who thirst for God’s truth.

The ecumenical movement, which animated Vatican II and has been the driving force for numerous post-Conciliar initiatives, is an attempt to circumvent and oppose the truth that Christian unity can only occur through the return of non-Catholics to the one true Church. In reality, though, the false ecumenism promoted by Rome today can only unite those satisfied with Satan’s lies rather than those who thirst for God’s truth.

As discussed in previous articles, Francis opened the ongoing Synod on Synodality by citing Yves Congar as an inspiration behind the Synod’s effort to “create a different church”:

“The Holy Spirit guides us where God wants us to be, not to where our own ideas and personal tastes would lead us. Father Congar, of blessed memory, once said: ‘There is no need to create another Church, but to create a different Church’ (True and False Reform in the Church). That is the challenge. For a ‘different Church,’ a Church open to the newness that God wants to suggest, let us with greater fervour and frequency invoke the Holy Spirit and humbly listen to him, journeying together as he, the source of communion and mission, desires: with docility and courage.”

Knowing that the Synod on Synodality is completely imbued with the false ecumenism that has thrived since Vatican II, it is natural to consider how the newly created Synodal Church relates to the “one true Church” of which Pope Pius XI wrote in Mortalium Animos. Specifically, is the Synodal Church intended to be a new church which superficially resembles the “one true Church,” but lacks the characteristics that have historically prevented non-Catholics from joining the Catholic Church?

To evaluate this, we can review (a) several statements in the “Synthesis Report” from the October 2023 Synodal session in Rome, and (b) certain developments that have taken place since the October 2023 session that have subtly advanced the Synodal objectives.

People of God. To begin with, the most prominent ecumenical feature of the Synodal Church is the identification of its members as “the People of God” rather than Catholics, as the Synthesis Report from the October 2023 session indicates:

“As members of the faithful People of God, all the baptised are co-responsible for mission, each according to his or her vocation, competence and experience. Therefore, all contribute to imagining and discerning steps to reform Christian communities and the Church as a whole.”

So “all the baptized” are members of the People of God, but we know that “all the baptized” includes many Protestants who have no desire whatsoever to follow the Catholic Church’s teachings or be subject to the authority of the Successor of Peter. Nonetheless, the Synodal documents treat “all the baptized” as part of the Synodal Church. Thus, according to the Synod on Synodality, Christian unity does not depend upon the return of non-Catholics to the “one true Church” but rather a recognition that all baptized persons are already part of the People of God and members of the Synodal Church.

Even if the Synodal Church’s members were to “approve” the exact theological content of Catholicism as it existed prior to Vatican II, the Synodal Church would still be inherently Protestant in nature because its “source of truth” is not what was taught by Christ to the Apostles, and faithfully transmitted throughout the centuries, but instead the current consensus of the People of God.

Church Doctrine. Merely telling non-Catholics that they are part of the new Synodal Church, though, might offer little hope of obtaining the unity desired by Francis if those non-Catholics still had to accept immutable Catholic teaching. However, the Synthesis Report tells us that, so long as they have been baptized, non-Catholics are part of the group whose religious beliefs form the “sensus fidei,” which determines whether a “particular doctrine or practice belongs to the Apostolic faith”:

“Therefore, among all the baptised, there is a genuine equality of dignity and a common responsibility for mission, according to the vocation of each. By the anointing of the Spirit, who ‘teaches all things’ (1Jn 2:27), all believers possess an instinct for the truth of the Gospel, the sensus fidei. This consists in a certain connaturality with divine realities and the aptitude to grasp what conforms to the truth of faith intuitively. Synodal processes enhance this gift, allowing the existence of that consensus of the faithful (consensus fidelium) to be confirmed. This process provides a sure criterion for determining whether a particular doctrine or practice belongs to the Apostolic faith.”

While there can be a legitimate understanding of how the sensus fidei (sense of the Faith) of those who actually profess the Catholic Faith can help safeguard Catholic doctrine, Dr. Gavin Ashenden’s November 2, 2023 article in the Catholic Herald exposed the stunning falsehood of the Synodal conception of how the consensus of the baptized determines whether a particular doctrine or practice belongs to the Apostolic faith:

“The audacity that lies behind this statement is as breathtaking as it is threatening. In a piece of progressive Gnosticism ‘intuitive’ authority is being claimed for a handpicked group of people who have it in common that they support secular progressive values over traditional orthodox ones. But that is exactly the strategy that is being adopted to achieve a revolution of dogma and teaching in the Church.”

We saw this in practice at the October session in Rome, as a “handpicked group” of laity, religious, and clergy sat around tables in the hideous Paul VI Hall to contemplate and vote upon issues related to Catholic moral teaching. The fact that many of these participants were openly hostile to Catholicism did not matter: in the Synodal Church, their opinions on moral theology matter more than what the Catholic Church has always taught. The resulting “faith” of the Synodal Church ends up being a dumbed-down Protestantism to fit the lowest common denominator of progressive beliefs.

Critically, though, even if the Synodal Church’s members were to “approve” the exact theological content of Catholicism as it existed prior to Vatican II, the Synodal Church would still be inherently Protestant in nature because its “source of truth” is not what was taught by Christ to the Apostles, and faithfully transmitted throughout the centuries, but instead the current consensus of the People of God. Hence, when Francis condemns Traditional Catholics for being “rigid” and “backward,” he is denouncing our insistence on retaining the basis of our Faith, which distinguishes Catholics from members of the Synodal Church, and other Protestants.

Accompaniment is the Synodal Church’s back-up plan for awkward situations in which the Synodal process cannot find enough baptized heretics to agree to overturn Catholic moral teaching. In practice, accompaniment tells the members of the Synodal Church that they need to accept sinners as they are, with their sins, because those who cannot follow the Synodal Church’s moral teaching, lax as it may be at any point in its evolution, need to feel respected rather than judged.

Accompaniment. Another non-Catholic feature of the Synodal Church is accompaniment, as described in the Synthesis Report:

“The Assembly expresses its closeness to and support for all those who accept being alone as a choice made in fidelity to the Church’s Tradition and Magisterium on marriage and sexual ethics, which they recognise as source of life. Christian communities are invited to be close to them, listen to them and accompany them in their commitment. In different ways, people who feel marginalized or excluded from the Church because of their marriage status, identity or sexuality also ask to become heard and accompanied. There was a deep sense of love, mercy and compassion felt in the Assembly for those who are or feel hurt or neglected by the Church, who want a place to call ‘home’ where they can feel safe, be heard and respected, without fear of feeling judged.”

Accompaniment is the Synodal Church’s back-up plan for awkward situations in which the Synodal process cannot find enough baptized heretics to agree to overturn Catholic moral teaching. In practice, accompaniment tells the members of the Synodal Church that they need to accept sinners as they are, with their sins, because those who cannot follow the Synodal Church’s moral teaching, lax as it may be at any point in its evolution, need to feel respected rather than judged.

So these three components of the Synodal process — treating all baptized as the People of God, basing the Synodal Church’s doctrines on the consensus of the People of God, and “accompanying” those who reject the Synodal Church’s doctrines — essentially work together to make the Synodal Church into a Protestant Church that happens to have a “Bishop of Rome” at its head. This goes a long way to making the Synodal Church unobjectionable (in theory) to some Protestants, but there remains the problem of the Bishop of Rome. And even with Francis acting as the Bishop of Rome, there is still some faint resemblance to the “authority of the Successor of Peter,” which renders the one true Church problematic for Protestants.

To address this problem, the Synthesis Report includes the following vague nonsense about the new role of the Bishop of Rome in the new Synodal Church:

“The synodal dynamic also sheds new light on the ministry of the Bishop of Rome. Indeed, synodality articulates symphonically the communal (‘all’), collegial (‘some’) and personal (‘one’) dimensions of the Church at the local, regional and universal levels. In such a vision, the Petrine ministry of the Bishop of Rome is intrinsic to the synodal dynamic, as are the communal aspect that includes the whole People of God and the collegial dimension of the exercise of Episcopal ministry. Therefore, synodality, collegiality, and primacy refer to each other: primacy presupposes the exercise of synodality and of collegiality, just as both of them imply the exercise of primacy. Promoting the unity of all Christians is an essential aspect of the ministry of the Bishop of Rome. The ecumenical journey has deepened understanding of the ministry of the Successor of Peter and must continue to do so in the future.”

From these words it is not clear how the “Bishop of Rome” fits within the Synodal Church, but it seems evident that the role will need to evolve to accommodate the desired unity of Christians.

For better or worse, the period since the October 2023 Synodal session in Rome has given us a few glimpses of how the role of Bishop of Rome might change in the Synodal Church. We can see this both in Francis’s May 2, 2024 meeting with “participants in the Assembly of Primates of the Anglican Communion” as well as the Fiducia Supplicans scandal.

For better or worse, the period since the October 2023 Synodal session in Rome has given us a few glimpses of how the role of Bishop of Rome might change in the Synodal Church. We can see this both in Francis’s May 2, 2024 meeting with “participants in the Assembly of Primates of the Anglican Communion” as well as the Fiducia Supplicans scandal.

Francis said the following about the Bishop of Rome’s role during his meeting with the Anglicans:

I realize that the role of the Bishop of Rome is still a controversial and divisive issue among Christians. Yet, in the splendid phrase of Pope Gregory the Great, who sent Saint Augustine as a missionary to England, the Bishop of Rome is servus servorum Dei, the servant of the servants of God. As you know, the Catholic Church is engaged in a synodal journey. . . I pray that a better understanding of the role of the Bishop of Rome will be among the fruits of the Synod. The Synthesis Report at the end of the first session called for a deeper study of the link between synodality and primacy at various levels, local, regional and universal. The most recent work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission may prove a helpful resource in this regard.”

Although these words do not directly indicate the way in which the Synodal Church would reshape the Bishop of Rome’s role, two things are evident: Francis desires to change the role to make it more palatable to non-Catholics; and the Bishop of Rome is to be seen more as a “servant of the servants of God,” with a strong emphasis on the “servile" status of the Bishop of Rome.

The work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission to which Francis referred — the 2017 document, “Walking Together on the Way” — provides the following additional detail:

“In the Roman Catholic context, there are signs of an openness to reconsidering the role of the papacy. This was brought to prophetic focus by Pope John Paul II in his 1995 encyclical Ut Unum Sint. When acknowledging Christ’s desire for the unity of all Christian communities, he spoke of finding a way to ‘exercise primacy’ without ‘renouncing what is essential to its mission’, while being open ‘to a new situation’. He invited leaders and theologians of other churches to engage with him in ‘a patient and fraternal’ dialogue about how the particular ministry of unity of the Bishop of Rome might be exercised in new circumstances (UUS §§95–96; Gift §4). Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium reiterates this call with urgency (§32).”

So there is evidently some urgency to find a “new situation,” in which the Bishop of Rome’s role would become less objectionable to Protestants.

Beyond these overtures to the Anglicans, the Fiducia Supplicans scandal appears to provide an indirect, yet more telling, indication of the evolving role of the Bishop of Rome within the Synodal Church. To see this, here are the words of Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, the Congolese Cardinal on Francis’s Council of Cardinals, on why the African bishops rejected the document authorizing the blessing of same-sex unions:

“In this declaration, there was a whole cultural problem, because the African continent perceived Fiducia Supplicans as cultural colonization. . . I don’t think this text was necessary at the time . . . We had just come out of the first session of the Synod on Synodality, and we’re now waiting for the second session. All these questions we raised during the first session of the synod; we’re going to come back to them and we would have gained a lot by waiting for the end of the second session and mature this kind of subject in a spirit of synodality.”

In any case, it is obvious that the Synodal Church led by Francis is nothing like the “one true Church” of which Pope Pius XI wrote in Mortalium Animos. Instead, the Synodal Church is shaping up to be a Protestant church in union with a neutered “Bishop of Rome.”

Although it is theoretically possible that Francis and Cardinal Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández decided to release Fiducia Supplicans without thinking about how it (a) related to the ongoing Synod on Synodality, or (b) would be received by the African bishops, it is quite a remarkable coincidence that the episode helped demonstrate a few things that perfectly advance the Synodal goals:

In any case, it is obvious that the Synodal Church led by Francis is nothing like the “one true Church” of which Pope Pius XI wrote in Mortalium Animos. Instead, the Synodal Church is shaping up to be a Protestant church in union with a neutered “Bishop of Rome.”

Few, if any, serious non-Catholics will actually want to be part of the Synodal Church; and, according to the words of Pope Pius XI, no Catholic is permitted to associate with it either:

“[It is clear that the Apostolic See cannot on any terms take part in their assemblies, nor is it anyway lawful for Catholics either to support or to work for such enterprises; for if they do so they will be giving countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ.”

As distressing as all this seems, we now have a situation in which many of the worst heretics are gathering in the anti-Catholic Synodal Church, thereby separating themselves from the Catholic Church. Those faithful bishops who remain in the Catholic Church may eventually come to the conclusion that the Synodal Church’s neutered Bishop of Rome cannot also be the Successor of Peter for the one true Church. If that happens, we can pray that they would cooperate with God’s grace to elect an actual Catholic pope, who would then restore the Traditional Latin Mass, repudiate the errors that have proliferated since Vatican II, and properly consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!

TOPICS: Catholic; Ecumenism; Ministry/Outreach; Theology
KEYWORDS: ecumania; excathedra; frankenchurch; modernists; romancatholic; vcii
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To: Philsworld

You’re gonna have to explain how you inherited lies from your father’s where in there is no profit..

But you seem to think you’re safe because you following the Beast and Antichrist is different than those Sun Day keepers!

561 posted on 07/03/2024 9:37:31 AM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

I have no idea what any of that means. You never answered my question about the alien abduction.

562 posted on 07/03/2024 9:45:38 AM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: delchiante

——>The Father breaks the 7 day cycle every new month with a day that isn’t one of His 6 work days or His Sabbath..

Patently false and ridiculous. The weekly cycle has never been broken. Take 2024 for example. Has the 7 day cycle been broken? Has any day not followed another that should? Has it been anything other than 1 2 3 4 5 6 7? Nope.

Those who play with numerology Ouija boards are going to get burned.

563 posted on 07/03/2024 9:49:23 AM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

You struggling to count to 15?

That’s kindergarten level stuff, right?

Christ teaches us the 14th Day, Passover, is the day the Lamb was slain..

New testament calls it the preparation day for the next day’s Sabbath, which is also a High Sabbath (15th)

Try counting to 15 on your Antichrist calendar and see if the 15th Day of its 1st and 7th months are Sabbath’s..

It happens every time on the Father’s calendar..
Not just in His 1st and 7th months. But every month because He changes not..

564 posted on 07/03/2024 9:50:50 AM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

——>You struggling to count to 15?

No, but I can count to 7 just fine.

565 posted on 07/03/2024 9:53:48 AM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

Yes it breaks.

It goes 1-29 or 1-30.

Then back to 1.

That 1 every month, ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE, isn’t one of His 6 work days OR His Sabbath..


29 or 1-29


30 days

If you want a New Covenant testimony to His pattern, see Heaven and the Throne, 24 elders and 4 Beasts with the Passover Lamb slain in the middle..

566 posted on 07/03/2024 9:55:21 AM PDT by delchiante
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To: Philsworld

You struggling to count to 8 is your problem..

567 posted on 07/03/2024 9:56:18 AM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

Yes it breaks.

It goes 1-29 or 1-30.

Then back to 1.

NOT THE WEEKLY 7 DAY CYCLE. I am talking a WEEK, not a MONTH. Does that register in your brain?

day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7


SINCE CREATION. BIBLICAL. There has NEVER been a break in the weekly 7 day cycle. There has ALWAYS been 7 days to a week.

Your numerology Ouija board gave you a wrong answer.

568 posted on 07/03/2024 11:34:23 AM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: delchiante; Elsie

The creation WEEK (7 days)

day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7 (the Sabbath)

What day follows day 7? Is it 13? Maybe 22? NO!!!!! It’s day 1.......1 2 3 4 5 6 7. It has since creation and will always be. The weekly 7 day cycle is NOT dependent on how many days are in each month, JUST LIKE TODAY. Do you get it, mentally? Can you understand that?

Gen 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Exodus 20: 8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

No matter how many days each month had or didn’t have, THE WEEKLY 7 DAY CYCLE NEVER CHANGED.

Why can’t you understand such a simple concept?

569 posted on 07/03/2024 11:59:58 AM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

Again sun worshipper,

The Father has this day called the DAY OF THE NEW MOON..

If you have access to a concordance, use it and search it out..

If you don’t, proceed to Paul’s reference to New Moons in the New Testament. They exist even if you choose to ignore them.

Ezekiel 46:1 is just one itsy bitsy bible verse that explains what is to happen to an inner gate at the temple on His 6 work days, His Sabbath AND HIS DAY of the NEW MOON.

I’ll copy it AGAIN to you sun worshipper, so you can play the game at your home when HIS Day of the NEW MOON comes around again ( I don’t think you care when that is, but it’s good to practice for the Kingdom to Come, and when you run into Day 15, take a look at what Day that is on His 6 days and 1 Sabbath Day pattern)

That will be witness number 3 that you refuse to acknowledge because of your reliance on Sun Worshipping Rome..

Ezekiel 46:1

This is what the Lord GOD says: “The gate of the inner courtyard facing east shall be shut for the six working days; but it shall be opened on the Sabbath day and opened on the day of the new moon.

Day 1 of every month- Day of New Moon- Gate open
Day 2 of every month- 1st work day- gate shut
Day 3 of every month- 2nd work day- gate shut
Day 4 of every month- 3rd work day- gate shut
Day 5 of every month- 4th work day- gate shut
Day 6 of every month- 5th work day- gate shut
Day 7 of every month- 6th work day- gate shut
Day 8 of every month- 7th Day Sabbath- gate open
Day 9 of every month- 1st work day- gate shut
Day 10 of every month- 2nd work day- gate shut
Day 11 of every month- 3rd work day- gate shut
Day 12 of every month- 4th work day- gate shut
Day 13 of every month- 5th work day- gate shut
Day 14 of every month- 6th WORK DAY- gate shut
Day 15 OF EVERY MONTH- 7th DAY SABBATH- gate open.

See Leviticus 23 and see 15th Day of 1st month AND 15th Day of 7th month ARE BOTH HOLY CONVOCATIONS where NO SERVIlE WORK is Done.

That’s just the first 15 days OF EVERY MONTH using the template Ezekiel the prophet (you ain’t him) was instructed by the Sovereign (you ain’t him either)

Blame them.

It’s there template and it explains why He finished HIS WORK on Passover,the 14th Day.

That’s the Sovereign’s 6th Day ( not Islam’s, not Judaism’s, not Christianity’s 6th day)

But His.

24 week days every month
4 Sabbath’s every month
1 Day of the New Moon every month
And the Passover Lamb in the middle

You may prefer the 1 Throne, 24 elders and 4 Beasts and the Lamb slain in the middle?

You are fighting a losing battle because the Beast and Antichrist can’t compete with Him..

You’re fighting a losing battle but maybe any tuning in may have their eyes opened and ears opened to something they never saw before when they read the scriptures.

Thanks for being a vessel for the Beast system and Antichrist Papacy.

It’s not a winning side but you kind of know that going in.
You just figured you weren’t on their side.

Oh do you prove it daily..

570 posted on 07/03/2024 3:12:50 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

——>See Leviticus 23 and see 15th Day of 1st month AND 15th Day of 7th month ARE BOTH HOLY CONVOCATIONS where NO SERVIlE WORK is Done.

Any day of the month, whether the 15th day of the 1st month, the 19th, 20th, 28th, etc... FALLS ON ONE OF 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK.

Lev 23:39 Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath.
Lev 23:40 And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days.
Lev 23:41 And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute [H2708. chuqqah] for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.

The ceremonial law, the ordinances written by the hand of Moses in a book, was clearly distinct from the Ten Commandments, which were written by the finger of God on tables of stone. In Leviticus, Moses makes note of the fact that the yearly ceremonial sabbaths, instituted for the purpose of offerings and sacrifices, were separate and distinct from the weekly Sabbath:

Lev 23:37 These are the [yearly] feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations [sabbaths], to offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing upon his day: [referred to in Col. 2:16-17]
Lev 23:38 Beside the [weekly seventh day] sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside all your vows, and beside all your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the LORD.

In other words, the yearly ceremonial sabbaths set forth in Leviticus 23 were distinct from, and in addition to, the seventh day weekly Sabbath of the Lord, particularly with respect to the fact that sacrifices were necessary in order to observe the symbolic ceremonial days.

1 Chr 23:31 And to offer all burnt sacrifices unto the LORD in the sabbaths, in the new moons, and on the set feasts, by number, according to the order commanded unto them, continually before the LORD:

2 Chr 35:6 So kill the passover, and sanctify yourselves, and prepare your brethren, that they may do according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

The yearly sabbaths were all set according to the new moons, which marked the beginning of the month. They were observed in the order and on the dates set by God at Sinai for the purpose of making sacrifices. The weekly seventh day Sabbath commandment is distinctive, in that it does not have any intrinsic requirement for sacrifices or burnt offerings (Exo. 20:8-11, Deut 5:12-15), and it is not set by the new moon.

571 posted on 07/03/2024 4:50:22 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: delchiante
The yearly sabbaths were all set according to the new moons, which marked the beginning of the month. They were observed in the order and on the dates set by God at Sinai for the purpose of making sacrifices. The weekly seventh day Sabbath commandment is distinctive, in that it does not have any intrinsic requirement for sacrifices or burnt offerings (Exo. 20:8-11, Deut 5:12-15), and it is not set by the new moon.

The 7th-day-Sabbath is the 7th day of every week, and is INDEPENDENT of a day landing on any day of the month.

572 posted on 07/03/2024 5:01:20 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: delchiante

“In other words, the yearly ceremonial sabbaths set forth in Leviticus 23 were distinct from, and in addition to, the seventh day weekly Sabbath of the Lord, particularly with respect to the fact that sacrifices were necessary in order to observe the symbolic ceremonial days.”

573 posted on 07/03/2024 5:03:23 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: delchiante

Sabbaths, Annual (Ceremonial)

You are 100% in error. Dead wrong.

As identified in Leviticus, these annual ceremonial days were:

15th day, 1st month—1st day of Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:6-7);

21st day, 1st month—7th day of Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:8);

50th day after “the Sabbath” (of Unleavened Bread)—Pentecost (Lev 23:16-21);

1st day, 7th month—Day of Trumpets (Lev 23:24-25);

10th day, 7th month—Day of Atonement (Lev 23:28-32);

15th day, 7th month—1st day of Tabernacles (Lev 23:34-35);

22nd day, 7th month—8th day, right after Tabernacles (Lev 23:36).

These ceremonial days were 100% COMPLETELY independent of the weekly 7 day cycle and the WEEKLY 7th-day-Sabbath, commemorating creation and the Creator.

574 posted on 07/03/2024 5:18:24 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

In other words, the yearly ceremonial sabbaths set forth in Leviticus 23 are on the 7th Day WEEKLY Sabbaths so Jew and Gentile need not be confused..

I hate to tell you this again Phil, but there are exactly 6 DAYS in-between His 15th Day Annual Sabbath and 22nd Day Annual Sabbath in His 7th month.

6 days.

The Ezekiel template calls those work days.

The 16th is the 1st day of the week.

Exodus 16 details that as the first day manna fell.

And fell for 6 days in His 2nd month


The 6 days between His 15th Day of His 7th Month Sabbath and the 22nd Day of His 7th month Sabbath.

Same 6 days detailed in Exodus 16..

Same day Christ rose = 16th Day. The Day after His Weekly AND Annual Sabbath of His 15th Day.

The Father has ONE Annual Sabbath that doesn’t occur on His 8th,15th,22nd,29th Days.

That’s the Day of Atonement.
10th Day of His 7th month.

Go ahead and try to ask Judaism why that day is an Annual Sabbath.
Go ahead and try to ask Christianity why that day is an Annual Sabbath.

They can’t answer it.

His weekly Sabbath’s and His High annual Sabbath’s , other than the Day of Atonement, is Always the same.

Always 6 work days before each weeky and Annual Sabbath (except for Atonement, and there’s a reason for that)

If you ask Judaism, they’ll claim that an Annual Sabbath isn’t a weekly Sabbath.

They’re wrong.


Because the Lamb teaches us with His own Death,Burial and Resurrection.

He died on His 6th Day, the 14th.

He rested in the tomb on the 15th,the 7th Day Sabbath and a High annual Sabbath

He rose on the 3rd Day, the 16th, the 1st day of the next work week, as First Fruits.

Ps- that’s the template I’ve attempted to show you using just one little old verse.
And counting.

14th Day of each of His months is ALWAYS the 6th work day of His 2nd week.

The Son finished His Work, as the Passover Lamb, on the 14th Day, His 6th Day.

The problem Judaism has is they reject the Son, so they reject the Lamb, they reject His 6th Day for Rome’s.

See the whole picture yet?

575 posted on 07/03/2024 5:22:08 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: Philsworld

50th day after “the Sabbath” (of Unleavened Bread)—Pentecost (Lev 23:16-21);

I’m glad you brought this up..

There’s another 50 days required after the 7th Sabbath Phil.

That Feast is actually over 100 days from Passover.
And is an Annual Sabbath, not on some work day like Sun Day..

It lands on His 29th Day of His 4th month, the 7th Day Sabbath for His 4th work week every month.

The Feast of Weeks..

I don’t think you’ll buy that, but that’s the beauty of understanding Christ’s Parable of the Sower and Israelites journey in the wilderness after Passover..

576 posted on 07/03/2024 5:26:33 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

Each of these other sabbaths, or days of rest, fell on a fixed day of the year, and thus on a different day of the week from one year to the next. They are therefore properly called annual sabbaths, in contrast with the weekly Sabbath.

577 posted on 07/03/2024 5:29:15 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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To: Philsworld

21st day, 1st month—7th day of Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:8);....


That’s the 7th Day of the Feast but the 6th Day of His Work week..

The 7th Day Sabbath is after 6 work days, right?

That’s what you claim..

How can He have a Sabbath, 5 work days, then another Sabbath?

Doesn’t that break the Law you reference all the time?

The 22nd Day of His 1st month is His 7th Day. And the weekly Sabbath.

578 posted on 07/03/2024 5:31:11 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: Philsworld

His Sabbath’s are on the 8th,15th,22nd,29th Days.

There are annual Sabbath’s (High Sabbath’s) in the 1st and 7th months.

The ONLY Annual Sabbath that Does not land on an 8th,15th,22nd or 29th day is the Day of Atonement..

Ps- religion isn’t going to agree on this.

Pps- it’s because they don’t have the Passover Lamb.

579 posted on 07/03/2024 5:34:36 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

There is a WEEKLY Sabbath, on the 7th day, every 7th day since creation, then there were YEARLY (ANNUAL) Sabbaths.

I don’t think you have the brain capacity to understand that.

580 posted on 07/03/2024 5:37:05 PM PDT by Philsworld (It's all short quips and funny memes, until you find that you've come up short in the judgment. )
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