That means he’ll most likely die behind bars.
“That means he’ll most likely die behind bars.”
he should have thought of this when he was younger and was messing up. He should be able to die in his own home, safe in his own bed.
Now he’s going to have to watch his back. Oh he will be in the protected wing of the prison. He will be with others like him. Prisons have had to do this or get sued by family. In some respect it’s good in that a lot of prisons offer programs for sex offenders if they want help and there are some offenders who do take up this offer. Problem is some like him don’t want it.
All I can say now is I sure hope he gets right with God before he dies. I mean that too. All these pastors/priests/rabbis/mullahs/whatever. They need to get right with God or else it’s going to be bad.