—> Can you imagine having Jesus (God) living inside you because He wants to be there?
If this is literally true, does this not also mean you are excreting God into the toilet and sewers??
—-> authorized the Apostles and their successors to continue this sacrificial (unbloody) offering to God
No. There remains no need for sacrifice ever again.
—> in the Tabernacle,
Not a biblical thing for His Church.
—> exposed in the Monstrance
Not a biblical thing for His Church. Just idolatry.
—> or at a Catholic Mass
Not a biblical thing for His Church
—-> and can not provide the consecrated Body and Blood to their members
It isn’t in Scripture, so one can.
Never will He be sacrificed again.
“It is finished.”
Your opinions are wrong.
I listen to Jesus and accept all that Jesus has taught for our salvation, even if I don’t fully understand with my human mind because Jesus is the Truth.
The Pharisees and Satan can read and quote the Bible without acting with love of God and neighbor.
Everyone has a choice to follow their opinions or follow God.
So if the Body and Blood of Jesus that Jesus gave us to EAT and DRINK is literally God’s Truth, then are you risking your salvation?
I am sure that you will say that you are already saved, but what does your heart truly say? (You do not need to answer.)
So you worry about the sewers, I TRUST in God. I believe Jesus abides in me and I in Him.