>>>So you’re delighting in sowing discord between denominations?>>>
Sorry you view truth as discord. Jesus sowed a lot of discord too I guess. Sorry maam...Im not interested in being popular, or liked or going with the crowd. I want truth. Thank u.
Your opinion of the truth.
Besides, that does not negate the obvious glee with which you are gloating over showing the Prots up.
Purposely posting something to pot stir and then expressing such delight in the fallout is sowing discord.
If you think someone is in the wrong about something, Jesus tells us how to go about addressing it and it’s not by gloating over the fallout of an article someone posts online. You need to read Matthew 18 and consider obeying it.
——>Im not interested in being popular, or liked or going with the crowd. I want truth.
Yes, as anyone in Christ’s remnant church would. Truth matters. I appreciate your honesty and courage.