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To: aMorePerfectUnion; MHGinTN; metmom; SouthernClaire; MayflowerMadam
I imagine the false prophet White had a vision and watched The Fall happen!

I have no doubt Ellen G White, was waiting behind the bushes, to see what Adam and Eve would do. She was probably saying, don’t do it, don’t do it. But, when they ate the fruit, she was probably giddy, cuz she thought they would have to accept her as their living prophet. She probably also thought they would be open to her story, about the quakers on the moon, or was it the men on Mars, or Jupiter? I just can’t keep all her fairy tales straight. Do you think my story is feasible? 😂😀😊😃👍

578 posted on 05/21/2022 7:04:02 AM PDT by Mark17 (Retired USAF air traffic controller. Father of USAF pilot. USAF aviation runs in the family )
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To: Mark17

“Do you think my story is feasible?”

LOL! It’s as good as so many others I’ve read here.

579 posted on 05/21/2022 7:06:49 AM PDT by MayflowerMadam (When government fears the people, there is liberty.)
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To: Mark17
Ellen G White, was waiting behind the bushes, to see what Adam and Eve would do. She was probably saying, don’t do it, don’t do it. But, when they ate the fruit, she was probably giddy, cuz she thought they would have to accept her as their living prophet.

Some thoughts about your theory...

1. You mispelled "lying prophet."

2. She probably would claim (as a spirit medium) that she "had a vision" of your scenario happening.

3. She craved attention, so she probably was giddy!

580 posted on 05/21/2022 7:24:13 AM PDT by aMorePerfectUnion (Fraud vitiates everything.)
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To: Mark17; aMorePerfectUnion; MHGinTN; metmom; MayflowerMadam; Philsworld

“I just can’t keep all her fairy tales straight. Do you think my story is feasible?”

Well, Mark, since anything is possible in a cult, yes; it’s feasible that she could have thought that. Problem is, she couldn’t have been there ‘cause only sinless people are allowed around other sinless people like those on Jupiter or Bolok or Kolob or what have you, and Adam and Eve were still in a sinless state before partaking.

I got a question about the cult’s belief that EGW went to a planet of sinless people and saw Enoch. Phil told me that all the people on that planet are sinless and don’t need a savior. Well, the Bible never states that Enoch was sinless. So, now, how did he get on Bolok? Did his sinfulness taint those glorious, Christ-like beings? What about EGW’s visit? Did it do the same?

And what if it did taint their planet? What do they do then, chuck loads of bleach and Lysol after their visitors? Will that cleanse the sin from amidst their presence? Since sin has effectively entered their domain, do they then need a savior like as we do?

583 posted on 05/21/2022 7:57:01 AM PDT by SouthernClaire (God Bless America)
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