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1 posted on 10/19/2021 6:38:33 AM PDT by The Ignorant Fisherman
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

It might be best to let God take America down.

2 posted on 10/19/2021 6:40:10 AM PDT by GingisK
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

Did you ever ponder the meaning of Romans 5:20? Asking for a friend...

3 posted on 10/19/2021 6:43:29 AM PDT by BiglyCommentary
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… and a Marxist coop is absolutely futile …
Agreed. Every chicken knows this.
5 posted on 10/19/2021 6:53:37 AM PDT by Olog-hai ("No Republican, no matter how liberal, is going to woo a Democratic vote." -- Ronald Reagan, 1960)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

Yep, been posting same for a year.

7 posted on 10/19/2021 6:56:02 AM PDT by G Larry (I speak to be precise and refusing to change doesn't mean you can assign imprecise labels.)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

A reasonable desire, but we can’t “repent” on the one hand while the anti-god ring leader and all his minions are permitted to still occupy the WH and the halls of legislation on the other. Not to mention the heathen media which abound, who with might and mein aid, abet and provide cover for those cretans in their sinister endeavors.

8 posted on 10/19/2021 6:56:07 AM PDT by Tucker39 ("It is impossible so to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." George Washington )
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

The Left’s Is-Not Is A War on The I AM
Progressivism is a ruthless, all-out war on the I AM. It is the is-not against the I AM. Progressivism’s progressively rising tide is propelling us toward total economic and social collapse. This upheaval is the inevitable result of exalting the is-not above the I AM.
I AM THAT I AM. God is, and He is God of the is. I AM THAT I AM. He is God of the is and not the is-not. God is and He created the is. He did not and could not create the isn’t. God created/creates value and not nonvalue. In Him there is light and no darkness. He can only create light. He can only create value. He is value and in Him there is no nonvalue. Progressivism is essentially, fundamentally, existentially, irredeemably, intrinsically anti-God. Progressivism is the anti I AM, the counter I AM. Progressivism is darkness, death and destruction. It is virulently anti-Christ.
Progressivism is a lie from the pit of hell. It is all about the is-not, the negative, what isn’t. A growing focus, a progressively growing focus, to the point of obsession, on the negative, on darkness. Progressivism is all about what people do not have, cannot do, and are not. Life is being, doing and having. The progressive consciousness is all about not being, not doing and not having. Never ending, ever expanding negativity and ingratitude. The current obsession is inequality. Nonequality. The negation or isn’t of equality. Always about the negative. Always. Never ending, ever expanding negative.
God is value and creates value. Progressivism is a focus on nonvalue and a war on value. It is ingratitude toward the value that is. Progressivism/leftism is darkness, destruction and death. It is satanic. All the more evil because it struts about in robes of righteousness, justice, fairness, caring and love.
Life is being, doing and having. Progressivism is a focus on not being, not doing and not having. In this way, progressivism/leftism is fundamentally and irredeemably anti-life in the deepest and fullest sense. Progressivism is a grand whine about what people are not, cannot, do not, have not. It is an ugly obsession with nothingness. It is an obsession with nonvalue. It is a consciousness of darkness.
Progressivism’s focus on nonvalue compels the progressive to pursue policies and programs that must confirm the darkness negativity view of reality. In this way leftism is destructive. It is destruction, darkness and death. Ingratitude and negativity are destructive of a person’s future. Just as the converse is true. With a positive grateful consciousness, a consciousness of value, the positive expands. The experience of value and the positive expands.
Gratitude and blessing consciousness results in growth, progress, success, prosperity, happiness and social harmony. Ingratitude and a great whine of negativity leads to anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, hate and social discord. Destruction. The choice is life or death. Blessings or cursing the Blesser. Light or darkness
Progressivism, so called, is anti-God. God is. Progressivism is based on the isn’t. Progressivism is an ever-increasing focus, to the point of obsession, on the negative, the isn’t. God creates value and only value. Progressivism is the great ingratitude for and denial of value. It is a consciousness of darkness. Progressive policies hinder the creation of value and do much to destroy value.
Progressivism is a consciousness of the negative and nonvalue. Progressives can only pursue a course of action that will work toward creating a world that conforms to their consciousness, their view of reality. Progressive policies and programs impede growth, prosperity, success and wealth creation. It is all about taking and destruction. It is anti-human life. It is counter human thriving and wellbeing. Leftism is darkness, evil and destruction.
Give and it shall be given unto you. The formula for success, growth, and prosperity. Create value and contribute that value to the economy. Produce and give. Simple. Be grateful for what you have and work to produce more.
That was the traditional American way, the paradigm for success. The secret to America becoming the economic powerhouse of the world. The progressive way is the reverse. Ingratitude, grumbling and demanding to be given more. Ingratitude, resentment, bitterness and envy. The progressive way is to demand to be allowed to take ever more rather than producing and giving. Taking and consuming rather than producing and contributing. This always leads to life being stunted and atrophied. Progressivism is the anti-life satanic way. Give and it shall be given unto you. Always demand to be given more and you will never have enough. Never. Another facet of progressivism’s is-not’s war on the I AM.
Nothing good can come from this twisted way of thinking. Progressivism is an amalgamation of ingratitude, negativity, envy, jealousy, resentment, anger, dissatisfaction, covetousness, bitterness, rancor and discord. It is the thinking of a miserable failure elevated to the macro level. It is the way of the miserable failure spun into a destructive political ideology and wrapped in an illusion of love, kindness, fairness, and justice. Lies coated in a lie. Progressivism is evil destructiveness marketed as the way, the truth and the only way to life and life more abundant.
Progressivism is all about money. Pure materialism. It is all about who has what. Ans who should or should not have what. Usurping the place of God to judge. It is taking from some and then giving that to others. Progressives are some sort of demonic, mad accountants obsessed with shifting funds from one account to another. Totally obsessed with money. It will solve everything! Yes, progressivism is first, last and always materialism. Yet these frauds strut about as moral giants and spiritual paragons, seeking to cancel and destroy those who do not conform to their madness.
Progressivism is the great anti-progress. It is an impediment and threat to growth, success, prosperity, happiness and social harmony. Progressivism is the greatest threat to progress. There is nothing progressive about progressivism/leftism. What it is is a progressively expanding ingratitude and focus on the negative to the point of obsession. It is progressively growing resentment, bitterness, anger, envy, hate, rancor and discord. Darkness and destruction rather than progress.
Progressivism is the exaltation of the is-not above the I AM. And no good can ever come of it. Only evil. It is the very essence of evil, evil itself. It is destructive and toxic. It is anti-life. It is enemy to all that is good, holy and decent.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Progressivism’s ingratitude, murmuring, complaining, resentment, rancor and bitterness slams the gates shut and leaves one on the outside. Progressivism is the way of hell. It is a satanic deception. It is Luciferian, elevating the is-not above the I AM. It is the formula for widespread misery, suffering and destruction. It is to be rejected and condemned by all those looking for a life of blessing, peace and joy, and those who want a better life for others. Choose life. Choose light. Choose the I AM above the is-not.

13 posted on 10/19/2021 7:04:45 AM PDT by all the best
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

The answer for America is definitely a spiritual one that includes a heart change. The Greek word for “repentance” in the New Testament is “metanoia” which mean a change of mind.

But repentance according to the Old Covenant (OC) of the law has been done away which required obedience to the law to be saved (Heb. 8:13).

Today we are under the New Covenant (NC) of grace whereby we are saved by grace, and the repentance or “change of mind” is leaving dead works (Heb. 6:1) to serve the Lord in the fulness of the Spirit.

In this case, repentance from dead works is turning from trusting in man and man’s government (such trust is cursed in Jeramiah 17:5-6) to once again trusting in the Lord and his goodness for our needs and wants (such trust is blessed in Jeramiah 17:7-8).

As you know, but many don’t seem to yet - although they are getting an inkling under Biden - the greatest threat to our freedoms, wellbeing, and livelihood is not Big Tech, China, or the Man in the Moon, but our own 80+ unconstitutional, now basically totalitarian government.

The America People need to change their minds about government being their friend who they trust to help them and look to God for their help and CUT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOWN to its constitutional size and VERY LIMITED acts.

14 posted on 10/19/2021 7:06:57 AM PDT by Jim W N (MAGA by restoring the Gospel of the Grace of Christ (Jude 3) and our Free Constitutional Republic!)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

Sin destroyed Sodom, sin will destroy America. God isn’t going to intervene. He already did that on a cross. God chose to use man to work through, not do mans dirty work. God gave all free will. If that free will leads you to sin, sin leads you to death Roms 5:20. Get out of your comfortable church pews and go do what Jesus empowered you to do instead of wringing your hands and waiting for God to save your lazy backsides

17 posted on 10/19/2021 7:15:54 AM PDT by Joshua (Keep paying attention to the shiny orb!)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

When 1/2 the population is insane in every way, too late!!!

20 posted on 10/19/2021 7:38:07 AM PDT by Harpotoo (Being a socialist is a lot easier than having to WORK like the rest of US:-))
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

“ President Trump - in all humility - needs to call on Almighty God publically and nationally with ALL fear and reverence on the behalf of our nation! That to me is our total last line of defense against the fall of America and the total take over of the horrific demonic powers that be!”

Agreed for sure.
Unfortunately, It seems he desires worship of himself instead.

I really love Trump for his love of America and I look forward to voting for him again but, I also believe this is largely why he is not President today.

Sure, we see voter fraud but...God allowed it because, He is a jealous God and rightfully so..

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD almighty!

32 posted on 10/19/2021 9:24:28 AM PDT by right way right (May we remain sober over mere men, for God really is our only true hope. )
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman


by | Oct 16, 2021 | Revival in America | 0 comments

I have a vision for America. Here is how the Lord is restoring our nation, right now. From our inception, we have been blessed for three reasons: To preach the gospel, as the pilgrims’ covenanted with God; to stand with Israel; and to care for impoverished nations and peoples.

Recently, in an interview, I was asked about that vision. I said, “Even in our fallen, backslidden, immoral state, we still stand as a firewall.

“As a firewall, the United States stands against demonic plans. Satan looks at America and says, ‘I can’t do what I want in bringing the antichrist, the beast, and world domination, as long as American freedom exists.’ And when we pray, that essential knowledge must be in our mind.”

I went on to say that I am calling both pastors and intercessors to recognize that we are currently at war with Satan’s plans. In discussing Psalm 11:3-4, I pointed out that David’s plea to the Lord assumed that the righteous are called to act, with focus on the Lord. ‘Lord, what can the righteous do when the foundations are removed? God is in His temple, on His throne.’

How would David know that, unless he was staring straight at the throne of God?

In the midst of his being surrounded by enemies, David, the warrior king, always kept his eyes on the Lord―and so must the embattled believers in America.

In the midst of his being surrounded by enemies, David, the warrior king, always kept his eyes on the Lord―and so must the embattled believers in America.

This war must be won! The Christian righteous have dug in their heels. They’re not going to compromise. That is why our thoughts are that freedom is coming because, as the sheep and the goats are being separated, the power of God will be manifested over America.

God has called us to stand with Him, to do battle beside Him! The Power of the Christian faith is that anyone at any moment that says to the Lord, ‘Use me,’ has access to promotion, to equipping and to power. So, the fresh anointing is going to be this: People that no one had ever heard of, coming from places no one expected, will do things that people have never imagined.

Jesus said, ‘I send you forth as sheep among wolves.’ What is the predicable outcome for sheep who wander into a pack of wolves? Well, here’s what Jesus is saying, ‘That’s how you look: to the world, helpless. To the world, defenseless. To the world, ineffectual. But you do not recognize that the Lion who is standing behind those sheep, staring at those wolves, is The Lion of the tribe of Judah!

The Power of the Christian faith is that anyone at any moment that says to the Lord, ‘Use me,’ has access to promotion, to equipping and to power.

I am praying for an impartation of fresh anointing over all those who are interceding for America. In Isaiah, it says:

“No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord; this is the vindication which they obtain from Me, says the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17).

We are the sons and daughters of the God of the Armies of heaven. We must shake up our thinking, we must look in the mirror and realize that we come from a legacy of supernatural power. We are destined to do impossible things. That is who we are. That is what is needed in this moment, more than anything else. That is the fresh anointing God is pouring out on His Church!

36 posted on 10/19/2021 9:42:03 AM PDT by time4good
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To: SJackson; Phinneous
Yikes. So much darkness, despair, and negative waves. Who invited Amalek to invade Can-DO America and attack the weak? This sad Can't-Do thread needs light!

How about some funlight in living color:

In Hebrew, the English word color is spelled "קולור".

In Hebrew, there are a number of portmanteau words that merge with light. Examples are given on the Hebrew side of that Wikipedia link. In the new words, the first letter of light (the alef in ohr) drops out. Here's a sample of the change I am describing:

Migdalor (מגדלור, lighthouse) is the blend of migdal (מגדל, tower) and ohr (אור, light). The alef [א] is absorbed.

Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra.

Taking inspiration from...


... to reverse a conceptual portmanteau formed from light:

color [קולור] ---> kol [voice, קול] + ohr [light, אור]

With the alef returned and the words separated, the source words read as the "voice of light", kol ohr [קול אור], which adds up to 343 (7 x 7 x 7, or 73).

What is the voice of light? It sounds like a paradox ala seeing sounds, yet

here is the first place that the sum of kol ohr, 343 (single word or world string) appears in the Torah (just drop "קול אור" into this search box):

Genesis 1.3. And God said [ויאמר אלהים], Let there be light; and there was light:

The trail led right back to the beginning, to the place of the voice of light: God's first recorded words.

Always worth the trip on the sunnyside!

Isa 9:2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

Isa 40.3. A voice cries, Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God:

Well as long as I'm at it, notice that the full spelling (letters as words) of "and God said" = 1024, לב2, the same as lishmor as it is spelled in the Torah [לשמר, to observe, keep, guard, preserve].

Because... way back in the very beginning is Bereshith with a big bet ב, the house and letter bet spelled the same as the word byte. בית...

A byte is abbreviated with a big “B” whereas a bit is abbreviated with a small “b”. Computer storage is generally measured in multiples of the byte.


The Conflict

Once a KiloByte was considered truly massive at a time. Some felt that writing 2^10 was a bit unwisely and also might also confuse others. 1,024 bytes appeared to be slightly awkward, and for ease of use, the kilobyte began to be referred to simply as 1,000 bytes of data and just ignore the left 24 Bytes. The majority might assume that the KiloByte is just 1, 000 Bytes of data but that’s not the case. This was done as the people with no knowledge of binary will not get the extra 24 bytes of storage.

Put that together with:

1024 is also the number of letters in the full Hebrew text of the Shema. (The three Biblical paragraphs themselves contain 1000 letters, and the phrase, "Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever" contains 24 letters.

Link (HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh)

("Shema" spelled in full = 360 + 80 + 130 = 570, the same as the regular value of lishmor and sha'ar gate , which adds up to 1000: 360 + 130 + 510)

1024. Sometimes web pages lose their coding and 210 displays as 210, or 322 as 322 [עברים]. Just thought I'd mention it. While I've haven't seen this one, the same problem could happen if 400 were expressed as: 1024.

Any wonder that the Book is Numbers is named "in the wilderness?

No crowds! ;)

How about a little detour to the anagram server?

Anagrams for: Roy G. Biv

1 found. Displaying all:

By Vigor

There you have it in black and white,

God blessed Roy. His name is his mission, fit for a king.

No one should leave out the "24",

"Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever."

40 posted on 10/19/2021 2:30:50 PM PDT by Ezekiel ("Come fly with US". Ingenuity-- because the Son of David begins with Mars.)
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

and to call for a Divine RIGHTEOUS REPENTANCE back to the God of our Founders (Psalm 64, Phil. 4:6-7). Without a sincere Divine RIGHTEOUS REPENTANCE we are truly done here in America!

I’ve known for years that a call for RIGHTEOUS REPENTANCE was coming. I wonder where Sunday fits into all of it??? Hmmmmmm.

41 posted on 10/19/2021 6:08:15 PM PDT by Philsworld
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