“The funny thing is I challenged that when I asked about a Christian who DID obey the commandments and was not unrepentant about sin but lived in holiness through the leading of the indwelling Holy Spirit but who went to church on Sunday instead of Saturday. You know what answer I got? “Nope! Not keeping the Saturday sabbath was lawlessness.”! So, unless the commandments were kept exactly like the cult said, the believer wouldn’t be saved. Yep...live like the cult says or it’s hell for you! Where have we heard this “dogma” before?”
Oh, my. My, my, my, Boatbums! If a person is intent on keeping the Sabbath, they should learn when it truly is: Sundown to sundown, Friday - Saturday. Makes me wonder now if they are going to Hell.
I noticed the claim of keeping the dietary laws, too.
And I wonder why they just don’t go full-on Jewish!
Should we even wonder why God hates pride???