According to the law, the man who was caught with her was supposed to be stoned as well.
Since she was “caught in the very act” of adultery, he must have been there, but somehow managed to escape.
Some folks may say he was “lucky”, but by escaping the punishment of the mob, the MAN caught in the very act of adultery also missed out on the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus.
People will continue to sin as long as they can get away with it, but they lose in the end. Sometimes it is better to “get caught” because that is the moment when EVERYTHING will change..
His omission from this narrative is itself a glaring omission for which no obvious explanation is offered. God’s Bible deliberately leaves a multitude of questions unanswered, but this is one I’d like to understand. Dramatic effect? Sympathy? Or an accusation of hypocrisy against the would-be stoners?