What 10 nations did Rome rise out of?
Babylon was first, Medo-Persia was second, Greece was third, then Rome, which continues until the end of time (through the little horn).
The next question is: What nations rose out of Western Rome?
The different beast - Rome. The ten horns - the divisions of Rome (Same as the toes of Chapter 2) The ten horns are the 10 divisions of the Roman Empire as it fell apart. These were the Anglo Saxons (England), Alemanni (Germany), Heruli (x493AD), Vandals (x534AD), Ostrogoths (x538AD), Visigoths (Spain), Suevi (Portugal), Lombard’s (Italy), Burgundians (Swiss) and the Franks (France).
7 are left because the little horn caused 3 of them to be uprooted.