The Bible is 100% correct, but some interpretations of scripture are off base. I say that you cannot interpret every passage of scripture in a literal fashion. Was the “burning bush” a literal burning bush, or was it God manifesting himself in a bush with part of his brilliant glory shining through. The best way Moses had to describe it was as a “burning bush”. I definitely believe that God is the creator, but I also believe that Moses described creation using the limited language he had based on the inspiration of God. Obviously, he was not there to see it happen.
I believe that the Bible is the word of God and the infallible rule of faith and practice. I believe the Bible is God-breathed and based on the inspiration of God. I also believe that many interpretations too quickly throw out literal interpretations in places where they should not. But I also understand that there is a lot of context and background that is ignored when absolute literal interpretation is employed in every case. If literal interpretation is taken to the max, those people who insist on that would appear to me to be wacko, yes.
My Dad was a minister. His take on proper interpretation of scripture was this: if the Bible is interpreted properly, then it fits life like a glove. My experience is that he was correct.
And yet you stated that those who may have a different interpretation of the Word of God are “wackos”
Are you sure that is the word you want to use?