Unless Nancy Pelosi is excommunicated then she is and remains a Catholic with the silent endorsement of the socialist usurper Bergoglio.
She would be a Catholic even if she were excommunicated, just a Catholic who would be prohibited from the sacraments until she repents.
She's been denied communion at least once, maybe multiple times, under Canon 915, which states that those "obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin" are not to be admitted to communion. Google "nancy pelosi canon 915" for a more extensive treatment.
Nancy Pelosi is indeed excommunicated latae sententiae (automatically) as a heretic and as one who kills babies until and unless she fully and sincerely repents publicly before competent ecclesial authority (her bishop), who then may remit the excommunication. As one who is so excommunicated and who obstinately persists in such manifest grave sin, she of course cannot receive holy communion, even in such jurisdictions as are not under interdict. Any sacred minister who recognizes her and knows of her status must refuse her attempt if she dares to approach the Sacrament without first so repenting.
I pray that she does repent and so begins to defend forcefully the lives of unborn Americans and unborn babies around the world and to insist on all constitutional legislation to effect such protections. That’s even before the people of San Francisco next have an opportunity to oust her from public office.