You folks keep reading the operating manual for your soul (the Bible) and argue the details like the Pharisees.
You can know the operating manual for a car or bicycle until you know every part and can build the vehicle. But until you get in and experience the ride, all the knowledge is worthless.
You claim Christ is your Savior and treat Him as a lifeguard that can pluck you out when you are drowning (i.e. dying).
Which would you sooner have, a lifeguard that waits until you are drowning, or a lifeguard that teaches you how to swim?
While Jesus can pluck you out when you die. He was born in the flesh to teach you how to do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Invite the Holy Spirit into yourself and go for the ride. The shaking makes it a bit bumpy at first. But the bliss of soaring with Christ is worth the ride.
Let those who have ears hear.
“Let those who have ears hear.”
Can you turn off my tinnitus?
“Let those who have ears hear.”
Can you turn off my tinnitus?