If most people are wrong about something, do you follow them anyways?
Sometimes error takes time to weed out.
That does NOT justify blatant disobedience to commands of Jesus and the tsunami of excuse making for doing so.
When confronted with the truth of Scripture, we change our behavior to fit that. We don’t change Scripture to fit our behavior.
I'm not going for that "mom" part-- the feminine equivaIent of father.
It's curious to reflect that every single Christian was in the dark from St. Paul (ca. 50 AD) to some American in 1840 --- on the question of whether you can call a man "father," "teacher", or "master."
It suggests that the Holy Spirit --- guaranteed to enlighten and inform the People of God --- and Christ, the Head of His Body the Church --- were dormant until the 1840's, and only woke up with a start, as soon as Irish Catholics hit the American Protestant shores. Thus arrived the enlightening news --- 1800 years after the Gospel was written --- about what Jesus really meant.
And St. Paul, Stephen the first Martyr, and even John the Beloved Disciple, didn't even know!!
I'm just now making contact lists of local Christian Churches. to send them info. about 40 Days for Life. Just now I typed up the following Baptist pastor contact:
Dr. W. Alexander Johnson, B.A., B.D., M Div Thm., L.H.D.DD - Pastor
Serious question: should these Baptists eliminate the "Dr" because it means, literally, "teacher," -- as being contrary to the Gospel?
How about the academic degrees? A modern-day equivalent of "Rabbi" and more!
I think you have, in effect, abandoned the principle of using Scripture to interpret Scripture, and de-classified St. Paul as an example to follow, and that is the most concerning thing of all.
I see you have been chastised for having “mom” in your screen name.
How far will Catholics go with intellectualizing themselves into oblivion while missing the blessings of being Born Again and seeing the simplicity of a life completely given over to Jesus with Him in us and us in Him?
But wait...gotta have the Catholic Mary.
I watched some of EWTN and it was all about the Catholic Mary and teaching young kids how to “adore” a beautiful gold trinket with a piece of bread in it. Sad.
And Sacrilege.