Well, when you have decades of the Left teaching kids that anything pertaining to religion is bad, except Islam. Islam is good. The one religion that tells its followers to kill, is the only good religion.
Then you have all scandals of the Roman Catholic church.
You have the Left blaming all that is evil in the world being caused by all things associated with Christianity, in all its forms.
What does anyone expect?
Years ago, Stars & Stripes had an article about the mosques in Baghdad. As things started to settle down toward the end of 2008, the imams were complaining that fewer and fewer people were attending. The young kids were just going about their business.
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, the national capital of “closed Churches.” Much of our church closings is simply attributable to “natural causes.”
At one time, my home town had 15 Catholic Churches, all with free parish schools. There is now one Catholic Church, and no parish schools. Talk about painful.
The elderly caucasians have died or are in their 90s. They were the parents who sent my generation to parish schools. When the steel mills shut down their kids had to seek new
employment horizons. Like me and and my wife. Those who stayed went on public assistance. My hometown is nothing but Section 8 housing. And they don’t go to Mass.