Protesting.... what, exactly?
Having Survivor’s Guilt roughly 100 or more generations after surviving is an ugly thing.
Using taxpayer money to fund the Ark.
Protesting anything from the Christian Bible being displayed in a positive light.
I don’t think The Ark did great business during it’s first year in 2017. So all this hoopin’ & hollerin’ from the atheists may draw more attention from everybody, and then more interested visitors to the Ark.
The owner better have some kind of security plan in case these so called free thinkers try to burn that beautiful ark down, whether there are visitors inside or not.
No. I would not put it past them.
They are just Hating.
The ramps onto the ark dudnt meet ADA standards, maybe,
>> “Protesting.... what, exactly?” <<
1. Yehova!
2. Reality
3. Freedom to speak the truth.
“...some of the reasons for protesting included discriminatory hiring practices, anti-science teachings and receiving tax incentives from the state.”
I was thinking that it was a lot like the NFL players taking a knee. It is a ‘protest’ for protesting sakes - and the reasons vary from player to player, and for many players, it seems to vary over time as well. (One week it was police shootings, the next week it is jobs, etc.)
It sounds like the Creation folks handled things well.