Let go of it, and your tension will go away.
When you participated in the breaking of bread, were the SYMBOLIC grape juice and the SYMBOLIC bread mixed?
Jesus' appearance in Heaven, and His Presence there now, are very plain-literal REAL, not a figurative-literal symbolic Metaphor or (worse yet) am allegory.
You can do better, if you listen to the Word instead of your own inclinations.
This is an arcane criticism of mine, I know, but an important logistic in our understanding of the Resurrection.
I’ve got the Scriptures to back up my point, but am running out of time to post now Bless you brother, and I apologize for how upset this topic gets me...
I suppose I want people to hold in their minds and hearts the absolute power of what God did at the Resurrection, with no doubt or weirdness clouding our understanding and amazement.