I didn’t link anything and so the Caucus designation should remain.
Otherwise, any and every caucus post could instantly be invalidated by somebody posting a link that so much as mentioned a Protestant denomination. And of course, all of us Christians are constantly making reference to Jews and Jewish Scriptures.
Your thoughts?
While you did not, cmrosary did.
Otherwise, any and every caucus post could instantly be invalidated by somebody posting a link that so much as mentioned a Protestant denomination. And of course, all of us Christians are constantly making reference to Jews and Jewish Scriptures.
I checked the RM's homepage and saw this.
>> The caucus article and posts must not compare beliefs or speak in behalf of a belief outside the caucus.<<
It's up to the RM, but IMHO, if a link mentions another denomination then the caucus thread has been broken by that poster.
The hot link you posted in the body of the thread mentions comparing Catholicism to other denominations.
Therefore the caucus designation will be removed for that reason.