Meyer is a charismatic. Charismatics, for as long as I can remember, abominated anything that smacked of “doctrine.” They said of those who held to certain doctrines of Christianity, their doctrines were “religious.” This is what Meyer means when she speaks against those who are “religious.”
They like to say their movement is all about the “experience” (i.e., Spirit baptism), as opposed to “doctrine.” Never mind the many references in the Bible to “doctrine,” for instance Titus 1:9 -
“Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound DOCTRINE, both to exhort and convince the gainsayers.”
All Meyers is doing is just including tattoos in with what charismatics call “religious,” or “doctrine.” “Religious” is a code word to them, you have to know what they mean by it.
Most people when they talk doctrine are not really talking doctrine, but culture.
Like wearing a coat and tie to church is important to some people and they will insist on it. That’s not doctrine but some people have elevated it to be a doctrine.