I have only witnessed the good fruits of Opus Dei and I have known and worshipped with them for almost 40 years. I have met saints among their number, of this I have no doubt.
I knew Opus Dei for a number of years, and saw nothing but good. They were faithful, conservative Catholics. In fact, I used to think that they were something like what the Jesuits used to be, back in the old days, before they went astray.
I knew Father Porres very well for a number of years. He was a friend of the Founder.
I can only echo the goodness I have found in both the institution and its faithful.
On the other hand you sound like just another bad news bear.
Randy Engel is a malevolent and dangerous person. Whatever is the case on Opus Dei or other pet topics of hers, the truth lies somewhere in the opposite direction.
Many of the most sincere and charitable Catholics I have met have been in Opus Dei. The vitriol and hate some people have for the order has always appeared to me to be Satanic in origin. We should all pray for Opus Dei and its detractors.