Ultimately I needed to repent of my strong drive to control. I had to see it for the pride that it was.
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Pope, Charles gets it and this is why he is effective. Jesus is in control of his life.
The deliverance prayers are amazing and humbling....
That sentence struck me out of the whole article too.
I have a little bit of a different take on it and maybe it was just for me, but I was struggling with and praying about my tendency to worry a lot and what was behind it. God showed me that I worried because I wasn't in control. And that I was trying to control things because I didn't trust Him to do it right, which is the epitome of foolishness.
So instead of being on an endless treadmill of repentance from the sin or worry and having it pop right back up again, I repented of the lack of trust in God and asked forgiveness from that, and the worry just vanished.
Sometimes it seems like we focus on the surface sins, the ones that show, and beat ourselves up for being weak in not being able to over come them, when what we need to do is find out what's at the root of that sin and repent of THAT instead.
When you get the root of the sin, all the rest of it basically falls by the wayside.
Not that it doesn't make a play for me once in a while, but it's no longer a constant negative domineering influence and struggle in my life any more.
The tendency to worry and the need to control others just isn't the problem it used to be.
Now for the rest of the stuff.....