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To: ealgeone
It certainly is a frightening thing for a little kid to think about all the time. I remember being ALWAYS scared I would not go to heaven. The grace and mercy of God was not something we were told to rejoice in, but of a harsh and angry one who kept a list of all the good and bad things we did which would be placed on a scale at our judgement that determined if we would go to hell or heaven. I seriously thought I could either be a nun or a martyr - nothing less would assure me of heaven.

It took me some time even after I got saved to realize the full truth about God's love and grace. Having the assurance of my salvation has given me an attitude of gratitude towards by Lord and Savior and the thought of ever intentionally sinning against Him is repulsive. It is no longer fear that gives me the desire to be holy but love. I see the process He has worked in me conforming into the image of Christ and that is how I know I am His own. It is something I will never give up - nor ever want to.

675 posted on 07/20/2017 8:14:36 PM PDT by boatbums (The Law is a storm which wrecks your hopes of self-salvation, but washes you upon the Rock of Ages.)
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To: boatbums
It took me some time even after I got saved to realize the full truth about God's love and grace. Having the assurance of my salvation has given me an attitude of gratitude towards by Lord and Savior and the thought of ever intentionally sinning against Him is repulsive. It is no longer fear that gives me the desire to be holy but love. I see the process He has worked in me conforming into the image of Christ and that is how I know I am His own. It is something I will never give up - nor ever want to.

It's the same for me too. I now try to be the best I can be out of love for Our Lord who saved me when I certainly didn't deserve it. I no longer conform out of fear but intense LOVE of my Father.

772 posted on 07/21/2017 11:02:39 AM PDT by 2nd amendment mama (Self defense is a basic human right!)
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