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To: Elsie
For the sake of the lurkers anyway; can you post the LIST of these sins that the RCC has discovered and judged as being NOT deadly and the ones that ARE??

That would be a LONG list!

And it's even longer when one considers that the same thing can be a "venial" or "mortal" sin simply due to attitude. For example...say you miss Mass on Sunday. If your car broke down or your ride didn't show up, you're off the hook. Missing Mass isn't any kind of sin for you because you didn't mean to skip it. However, if you decided you wanted to sleep in Sunday morning and you missed Mass, that's a "venial" sin because it wasn't premeditated and you usually DO go to Mass every week. Then there's when you purposely, intentionally skip Mass because, by golly, it's the one day a week you get to relax and you'd rather just stay in. Hoo-boy! THAT'S a real bad "mortal" sin that you WILL go to hell for when you die if you don't go to confession and do penance for it and determine to start back going to Mass regularly. See how easy that is?! So, both missing Mass and murdering someone can equally be mortal sins that WILL send you to hell if you don't address it the way Catholicism says you have to.

Remember my example of the "soul bank account" having to stay balanced? It's also like the gas tank of your car. You need a full tank to make it to heaven when you die. Every time you sin, your grace gas gets used up and you have to go do "church" things to keep it topped off. Commit a MORTAL sin, and the needle goes past E. Dangerous time when you have to be extra careful until you can get that tank topped off again. Don't be caught dead with an empty soul tank! See how dependent it makes people on the church/gas station?

664 posted on 07/20/2017 7:15:38 PM PDT by boatbums (The Law is a storm which wrecks your hopes of self-salvation, but washes you upon the Rock of Ages.)
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To: boatbums
I wonder if the Roman Catholic considers their thoughts to be mortal sins? Or do they have to actually do the mortal sin?

I would imagine there are thoughts of hatred, which John equated to murder, lust which Jesus equated to adultery, envy, etc.

I tell ya....if I were Roman Catholic I'd never let the priest or my idol of Mary out of my sight.

665 posted on 07/20/2017 7:21:30 PM PDT by ealgeone
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