With your help and wisdom, Almighty God of compassion, there will be enough Americans voting tomorrow in every state of the U..S. to defeat Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, to reverse the baleful situation of top executives of the U.S. selling out their country and putting her in existential danger from without and from within.
With your help, there will be enough Americans voting against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump to save our country from lurching over the precipice.
B’ezrat ha’shem (With the help of God), the evil presidential candidate, Hillary R. Clinton, will be defeated and the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump will be installed and will implement plans to enable the the U.S. to rehabilitate itself politically, militarily, economically, socially, and morally.
May the United States of America remained a country blessed by your bounty and kept whole and strong with your protection, our creator and protector.
Yes: a SURE and DECISIVE victory...no “269-269” business. The world can’t afford this. They are watching. I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide Trump’s speech.
And again echoing prayers for:
at the polls tomorrow and after the polls close and results come in.
For our law enforcement in the coming days period, especially those who surround Trump, Pence, their inner circle.
Agreeing with you in prayer.
May our Father God find us redeemable as a nation.