“For everyone else, the existence of God has been abundantly evident in His creation.
The apostle Paul explains all this in Romans chapters 1 & 2.”
So, accepting the existence of a generic creator God is what keeps them out of hell?
Faith in the gracious Savior aspect of the Lord is needed to head off going to hell.
Hell is a place where human souls, under the perpetual thrall of Satan and the demons, fight vainly against God forever. Sin reveals the risk of entering such a fate. Grace reveals the way of escaping such a fate.
One might think that believing in a gracious Savior is easy. It isn’t, and that’s because we’ve all inherited pride from the fall of mankind. Pride? In a fall? Isn’t that foolish? Well yes it is. But that’s where we are.
No. Satan knows from experience that God exists and he's going to be the chief resident of hell.
God is not 'generic'. He is not a creator, He is the creator. If you genuinely want know, go read Romans and the gospel of John.