Ah yes, the fire-breathing, ultra-conservative, Francis-bashing Arthur McGowan is an evolutionist! Like all good Catholics! Thank goodness that Jerome and all the church fathers were up-to-date, with-it hep-cats who knew that supernatural events can't actually occur (unless they're in the "new testament," of course) and that all Biblical statements must be judged by the yardstick of modern science! After all, didn't the Church put that ignorant troglodyte Galileo under house arrest for teaching "Protestant creationism???" [/sarcasm]
By the way, one of the sciences is "historical science," and all the events related in the Torah are certainly historically true (regardless of how "heretical" this may be to Catholicism)!
Nothing you have written represents what I think, and I’m not going to waste time on a bigot. Except: I never said I don’t believe miracles have happened.
There is absolutely no conflict between miracles and science, precisely because science concerns itself with the normal. Science has absolutely no relevance when it comes to the parting of the Red Sea, the Resurrection, or any miracle in between.
When it comes to modern miracles, such as the miracles worked by the Mother of God at Lourdes, scientific methods of observing and documenting events are helpful.
The rest of your splenetic outburst is as baseless and dishonest as your assertion that I don’t believe miracles can happen.