On all other subjects on this site; be it current affairs, history, politics, philosophy, sports and so on; posters make their point(s) then move on, averaging less than 40 posts per topic.
However when the subject is religion, the posts skyrocket in the high hundreds. And why is that??? Quite simply because this subject is a magnet for those who have absolutely no interest in learning, reflecting or sharing ideas. None at all. They post so they can vent their ‘my way or the highway’ closed minded intolerance, for any and all who challenge them.
Another hallmark of these posts is their interminable verbosity; the mortal enemy of wisdom and the calling card of pretentious windbags who attempt to disguise their ignorance w/verbiage.
The Ten Commandments, the foundation of our Moral Order, which governs Mankind, aggregates 75 words in sum.
And yet, here you are, posting on the Religion Forum using many lettered verbiage, what the rest of us call big words.
You censorious mind-reading rant is not only wrong, but is another poor excuse for avoiding answering the questions which you need to face since you chose to enter the debate here, and chose to present the pope as the solution to division. I contend because faith is the most important subject, with Scriptural Truth being life, and thus Scripture itself spends far more words on it than politics, philosophy, sports, etc. And if you complain about verbosity, then you must abhor most encyclicals, including the latest one. But while you chose to enter the debate here your avoidance of pertinent questions confesses your position is indefensible.
The Ten Commandments, the foundation of our Moral Order, which governs Mankind, aggregates 75 words in sum.
So having presented the pope as the solution to division, and being asked what level of teachings require assent, you now simply present the The Ten Commandments? Quite the retreat, and which is not all that Scripture teaches in all its details of love for God and man, and is not a solution to the issue of interpretation.