Any sexual stimulus causes the release of brain chemicals which can affect not only brain physiology (function) but under some circumstances, even brain anatomy (the physical structure of the brain)--- if the sexual influence starts early in life.
Some of that info is here (LINK)
Bottom line: sexual stimulation is like an addictive drug (I'm not speaking metaphorically here, I'm speaking physiologically). It causes measurable chemical changes in the pleasure centers of the brain and results in a rewiring or "patterning" which can be penetrating, persistent, and difficult to eradicate even if you want to
That's why sexual stimulation should be reserved for husband and wife only: it becomes a valuable part of the marriage bond that brings them together and keeps them together..
Whoa! I’m going to have to revisit that link. No wonder homosexuals think they’re born that way: their brains are rewired. Whoa! I can’t imagine the work required to undo that rewiring.