We may again have a pattern here. The assembly of the witness of our modern Holy Bible made special supernatural witnesses of the kind common in the early church less necessary, but it never utterly banished them. The purpose, perhaps, was to focus on the main godly theme of agape. A church that was forever chiefly about external supernatural displays, would miss the point. But we are still weak, still sinners, and an augmented message may still be needed from time to time by way of special lessons to teach us what we need to know under special circumstances. I am loath to frown upon the “charismatic churches” just because that is their style; it may be that these people need exactly that kind of witness to believe. And panning them broadly may violate the attitude of agape that God wants us to take. Someone that we have panned unmercifully might not be too willing to hear a message to the good.
And so the perfect could be prefigured by the completion of the bible canon, but actually realized by the physical second arrival of Christ.
I enjoy your perspective. I also enjoy writing songs.