“Faith” is living by Yehova’s commandments.
That point is repeatedly made throughout the word.
THIS IS MY COMMANDMENT THAT YE LOVE ONE ANOTHER THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL...(You know that Love God with everything you are and love your neighbor as your self thingy...as the outworking of love and grace begins, everything we are supposed to be and do and are will be revealed to us and built into us as the Spirit in dwells us... and that is the True Torah!)
So just ignore Galatian 3 and Ephesians 2 then as they stand in stark contradiction...well as I said before...we all have our individual paths to walk and our crosses to bear, but it will be Yeshua who will be leading us home!
PS : Yeshua Mashiach is come in the flesh! Do you agree?