I know some Catholics to whom I have offered access to what I have ‘set aside’ and I do give away ‘tools’ to those likely to be left behind, for their defense.
Yeah, stuff like that makes sense, at least to me. Seems like it is the charitable thing to do. Maybe a lot of person to person interaction happens, but I haven’t heard about it. Do you think it is common or what?
Why do you think there aren’t big public charities and foundations that specifically address helping those left behind? At least my search terms didn’t bring anything up. I did find several survival guides posted by those who believe in it for the ones left behind. Also what about things like having pets or a job that would hurt people if you suddenly disappeared?
I did some searching and there are places where you can register that help with counseling after the Rapture through the internet, and the ‘after the rapture pet care’ which supposedly started out as a joke by an atheists but I guess if you take them at their word is now a legit service. It’s a one time fee of 10 dollars.