Noah had to build an ark. At least to my understanding, the Rapture happens as you live your life normally, as you should if it happens tomorrow or 1000 years from then. I think a very high % of folks who believe in the rapture probably live good Christian lives, especially compared to the broader culture.
Are all babies and the mentally disabled raptured?
Jesus gave us a bunch of signs which indicate his return is near, along with many parables. As for your final question there is a book Safe in the Arms of Jesus, that answers questions like that.
ASK GOD! He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, seek His words.
Salvation is not a reward for having led “a good Christian life,” how ever that might be defined. If I can “earn” or “deserve” forgiveness for my manifold sins, what was the purpose of the incarnation, excruciating torture, humiliation of and by crucifixion?