I’m not convinced these guys are Catholics. They only seem to fight with Catholics, all the time. Weirdness, for an anonymous internet forum anyhow. I mean if they actually cared about this stuff, wouldn’t they come off differently?
Believing, or “traditional,” Catholics have been brutally assaulted, raped, even, by the bishops, the priests, the nuns, the bureaucrats, for five decades. That is why they are angry.
Now we have a Pope raping the Church in broad daylight, and even then “good” bishops are making with the pom-poms!
The traddies are like a coiled spring. They are ready to pounce at all times, and everybody is a modernist, a denier of “extra ecclesiam nulla salus,” etc., etc., etc. Too often, they don’t subscribe to what the Church has always taught; they subscribe to the Feeneyite heresy.