Just because we don’t hold the same belief doesn’t necessarily mean the other’s is false. It may be false, but not necessarily.
Regarding any thank yous you have received, I would expect that from those who share your point of view.
Speaking for myself, your arguments are a waste of time. I also find them rude and intellectually dishonest.
On religious topics, I have no interest in reading your opinions and mindless repetition of anti-Catholic screeds.
You may have meaningful insights on other topics, and we may agree on many things. However, when it comes to my religious beliefs, your opinion is of no account.
"when it comes to my religious beliefs, your opinion is of no account." spiritu tuo
And that is a current example of the haughtiness to which I referred. As to this whole paragraph: "Speaking for myself, your arguments are a waste of time. I also find them rude and intellectually dishonest." When a person is hysterical and unable to see TRUTH, it is sometimes useful to smack the silly out of them, figuratively, of course. That you resist the occasional slap is not surprising. Catholiciism indoctrination is quite thorough and aimed at scaring the followers into not hearing anything which would oppose the cult of your other religion. That's how the heresies -like eating GOD'S soul and DIVINITY, and Mariolidolatry, and Brown Scapulae, and priest absolution for sins against GOD, praying to dead 'saints' for intercession, etc.-- are sustained dontchaknow.