Yeah, proselytism one of things Catholics can't bring themselves to do because they associate it with Protestantism (two others are total Biblical inerrancy and young earth creationism). It doesn't matter what the ancient church fathers believed or did; if American Protestants do it or believe it then Catholics simply can't!
Catholicism (Orthodoxy too) have for centuries been nothing but ethnic religions, sort of counterfeit Judaisms without Sinai.
I know back when I converted I had to take the initiative every step along the way.
I can't see how a Greek Orthodox church can do anything but try to keep up its numbers or close the doors.
As the old European-based ethnic communities disperse and dissolve there seems little hope for those religious communities that place ethnicity at or above religious beliefs.
There seems to be a lot of talk about Catholics joining Orthodox churches in protest of Pope Francis's recent outbursts. I really don't see that working out too well for anyone.