And I would assert that such reasoning is not common sense, given the FACT that serving blood or human flesh at the Passover meal would profane the very celebration. The profaning of what Jesus established is precisely opposing heresies. Jesus Celebrated The Passover Seder, in all righteousness (not violating any yot or tittle of the laws), and He showed His disciples that in this celebration of the lamb at Passover HE is the Paschal Lamb of God, Whom HE would sacrifice the next day for our sins. He did this ONCE for ALL, Forever, not needing it be repeated countless times on a catholic altar by a priest claiming to have the power to command Jesus to submit continually.
According to your interpretation of Scripture.
Anicetus believed he was partaking in the body and blood of Christ. If Polycarp believed this was profane, how could he possibly remain in communion with Anicetus.