I wasn't, I was addressing Mom MD's initial assertion that, "As soon as they give up Mary worship, indulgences, praying to saints and the other 95 suggestions Luther made. By pointing out that these thing weren't actually found in the 95 Theses and further pointing out that modern Protestant beliefs such as the denial of the Real Presence and the Mother of God/Theotokos were positions NEVER held by Luther.
LCMS Lutherans do not deny the Real Presence We just believe that it exists along with (in with and under) the elements In other words bread and wine still exist as well And we do not worship the elements or believe that Christ is offered for sin again in communion He suffered and died once for all and it was finished on the cross. Communion is a solemn but joyful celebration for us
I do not believe Luther worshipped Mary or called her the blasphemous title of mother of God We certainly do not today. But again Luther initially set out to reform the Roman Church When they would not address the issues there was no other solution than to break with Rome to follow Christ.