Perhaps you have missed the news stories but these radical Islamists are also murdering Muslims. How should the pope have distinguished between the two in his comment.
What distinction? Radical Islamists = murdering Muslims.
Sorry NYer, On this we Disagree. However to answer your question he could have pointed out Islamist Killing in the Name of their Religion ALL THOSE who DO not Comply with Their Specific Will Murdered Innocent Lives. Those who support or cheer on such Actions are part of the problem too.
islam Cannot Coexist with Freedom Period! islam is Not a Religion but a Cult of DEATH and Chaos, hence it is the product of the Evil One.
Ann Nails it hear and for Years she has been On Spot. To Many Deny the Truth!
God Bless, As for Me and My Family We will Follow Our Lord Jesus and not the Lies and Deceit of the Devil (which islam is a product of).