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To: ealgeone

So you agree, then, that devotion to something other than Christ is OK, as long as it is not put before Christ. This is exactly the Catholic devotion to Mary.

And before you say, most Catholics are not confused and misguided and satanically tricked into putting Mary first. We do not believe Mary is God. We do not believe Mary created God. We can adore Jesus as our Savior and One True God and still have enough love left over for Mary, our spiritual mother.

Do you not ask others to pray for you? Do you not pray for others? Lighting candles is simply a way of asking for prayers. Kneeling before the statue is a way of focusing our attention, as is the rosary.

Catholics believe that those in heaven can intervene for us because they have become joined with the Body of Christ through salvation. According to scripture, even those in hell can ask for intervention, as the rich man did when he saw Lazarus in heaven with Abraham.

We know Mary intervened with Jesus on earth. Why would she not continue in heaven?

Love, O2’s tagline season again....

217 posted on 10/09/2015 2:04:39 PM PDT by omegatoo (You know you'll get your money's worth...become a monthly donor!)
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To: omegatoo
We know Mary intervened with Jesus on earth. Why would she not continue in heaven?

I know! I know!

A. There is no record of Mary being alive in Heaven.

B. Jesus rebuked her when she tried to intervene. He never showed any inclination or definition (in Scripture) that she was anything more than His birth vessel!

Why would Jesus listen to His mother when His Father is God? Surely you can't compare Mary to God, can you? That is ridiculous, and blasphemous. God is all powerful, all knowing, and ever present. The Biblical Mary is none of these. She's dead and waiting with those others who are dead and waiting to be alive again in Christ (contrary to Roman Catholic mythology)!

But then, the Roman Catholic mary is not the one we see in Scripture! That ones demands attention to herself and only insinuates a relationship with Jesus, almost always seen as an infant in arms.

Jesus is the only intercessor. He told us to pray to "Our Father", not some sinful woman. (John 3:16- ALL have sinned. That leaves no exceptions for some Roman wannabe goddess!)

218 posted on 10/09/2015 2:40:28 PM PDT by WVKayaker (On Scale of 1 to 5 Palins, How Likely Is Media Assault on Each GOP Candidate?)
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To: omegatoo
I specified the difference. Catholics may say they don't put Mary before Christ but their actions say otherwise. They've bestowed title after title upon her, have declared her to be sinless when she is a sinner as you and I, look to her for salvation, answered prayers, etc.

There are writings too numerous to count on how Catholics cling to her, rely upon her, go to her for answered prayers when Jesus says no.

Catholics have twisted scripture to make it say things about Mary it doesn't.

I can go on but you get the point.

I guess this not equal devotion Catholics claim explains the call for a Fifth Marian Dogma as if the othe four aren't bad enough.

In the final analysis it is clear catholic "devotion" to Mary rises to the level of worship.

222 posted on 10/09/2015 3:40:20 PM PDT by ealgeone
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To: omegatoo
Kneeling before the statue is a way of focusing our attention, as is the rosary.

Kneeling before a statute is forbidden by God in the second commandment.

Exodus 20:4-6 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

245 posted on 10/09/2015 6:06:51 PM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith...)
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