“Which is Biblical?”
All that adhere to the core tenets of Christianity as taught in Scripture - as it has been since the beginning.
“None has a Pope.”
Yes, we can be grateful for that.
“All have a Bible.”
Yes, we can be exceedingly grateful for that.
“Why are there so many?”
A better question. Since the Catholic denomination has a pope, why don’t most Catholics agree with him and obey?
To me that’s simple: they’re sinners. The number of people for whom sunday services or even daily prayers are a kind of hypnotic or analgesic is ... huge.
My mother considered herself a devout Anglican. Read religious books, prayed, worked hard for her parish. And she was very firm that she expected worship to be soothing. Also, she was very much a Pelagian anclear that she thought Paul was wrong!
So I am not surprised by peolle who don’t even try to follow their denominations teaching, morals, or practices.