What will Christians do if he comes back and
1) says his name isn’t Jesus, but instead a Hebrew/Jewish name,
2) studies the Torah,
3) teaches Torah as a rabbi,
4) attends only a synagogue,
5) celebrates the Jewish holidays,
6) says that the Torah is the only word of God,
7) won’t convert to Christianity or Islam,
8) speaks only Hebrew,
9) eats only kosher food,
10) and other Jewish practices?
How do you think Christians and Muzzies will react?
But what you are leaving out in your analysis of Christianity, is the Pharisee Saul. On his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, a light shone about him from heaven, none other than Messiah Jesus himself spoke to him from heaven and called him to be a Christian apostle.
This is the same Messiah Jesus in your analysis, yet here he is personally converting the Pharisee Saul in Acts 9, the same man who became instrumental in the issue of whether Christians are to be bound under the Sinaitic law or not. His epistles testify to that issue on every page.
Paul and his writings, called by the same Messiah Jesus in your analysis, is what is sorely missing in your Judaizing analysis. Paul wrote against the things you mentioned that you think Christians are supposed to be keeping. They must speak Hebrew, the English “Jesus” is forbidden “Yahshua” must be spoken. The essentiality of celebrating Jewish holidays, eating only Kosher food, and such like.
Prolly assume this is just the coming-and-half.
Prolly assume this is just the coming-and-half.