1. There is no “judgment” for believers. Absolutely none. Romans 8:1
2. “Hell “ is 3 Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew words . “Sheol” ( Hebrew) and Hades (Greek) — “Sheol” and “Hades” mean grave or pit. Nothing eternal. The last Aramaic is “Gehenna” meaning “ the garbage dump in Jerusalem . There is no eternal life in hell, absolutely Zero. That originated in Dante’s “inferno”.
John 3:16 leads us to Heaven if “we believeth in Him” as the Son of God. No works necessary at all. That means you accept Him as truly the Son of God.
3. At death,you go immediately to Heaven. There is no purgatory or delay. We know that from Jesus on the cross who said “ This day ,you shall be with me”.
So much is driven by the “Church” to get money. Did you know that “Church” was not in the Bible until mistranslated in 1611? KJV changed the actual word “Ekklesia” meaning “the called out” or all believers To “Circe” or “Kirke’ ( church) meaning the circle that Pagans sat in to worship Satan.
There are No buildings— no “pastors” no tithing , no mortgaged buildings or high paid preachers in the New Testament Bible. ZIP.
Thanks for sharing your view. God Bless.
How do you explain the churches Paul and Peter oversaw in Corinth, Ephesus and other cities, and his descriptions of the offices of the pastorate, and his saying that a laborer is worth his hire?
You can’t explain it...it’s obvious the early church DID exist, and had pastors, deacons and elders.