I’ve suggested unleashing Rafael in Iowa for just this reason......
The first great centers of learning--Harvard, Yale, William & Mary, Rutgers, Princeton, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, and what would become Columbia U. had in their official seals or emblems either Jewish symbols or Hebrew phrases. As a matter of fact, these universities offered courses in Hebrew, and knowledge of Hebrew was considered the mark of a learned gentleman.
The inscription on the Liberty Bell is a quote from Leviticus: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."
Many of the first systems of law in early American cities were based on Old Testament laws--Jewish laws.
So no, I do not buy the concept that the United States was founded solely as a "Christian nation". But for the contributions of Jews, you would not have the America as it was in its magnificent prime, before corrupt politicians began their Death of a Thousand Cuts to our great nation, most notably the current Traitor-in-Chief.
As in the days of old in Israel when the nation was in decline God would send men of God, men of faith, his prophets to the people to give his word.
God Bless SR. Cruz.
The Cruz family is a blessing to America, unlike the scorge that the Kennedy family and the Clinton family has bought upon America.
Perhaps just before Christ’s return to this world he will once again shed his grace upon America and turn America towards him.
The fields are surely ripe and white for the harvest, but the laborers are few.
The last great harvest is upon us now, by God’s grace he wants to bring many people into his Kingdom .
The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached, the great comission, to ALL corners of this world, then the end will come.
God said, that he who honors God, that God will honor him.
For Ted Cruz and his father, Christ comes first and foremost.
To the Ted Cruz campaign people here on Free Republic ?
This book has already been written: “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall
“About how the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the word of God.”
Believe it or not, a great many Christians believe that only the Bible is the Word of God.
The founding fathers were neither apostles or prophets, nor were they evangelizing in their roles as framers of the Constitution. The First Amendment is a secular declaration in itself. “Secular” does not mean “freedom from religion” as it’s advanced by the left. It means there is no endorsement of a particular faith e,g. Christian. The founders were deists, meaning they believed in God. Period.
At this time, Cruz is my candidate of choice, owing to faith.
It is the duty as well as privilege and interest of our Christian Nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”First Chief Justice John Jay Letter to John Murray Jun.12 Oct.1816; “....the United States is a Christian Nation is ...a statement of fact.” Charles Hodge -Systematic Theology Vol.3 ,1871; Church of the Holy Trinity v. the United States 143 US 457,Feb.29,1892 decided -the
unanimous US supreme Court decision included the idea “this is a Christian nation...”That was also the title of the commentary on that case given by it’s author Justice David Brewer, The United States:a Christian Nation Little Brown and Company 1905. Not to diminish the
contributions of any other group. Indeed many times in the founding era even in political sermons preached the forefathers referred to Americans as “the Children of Israel” (or similar terms) No Evangelical I know of ever desired theocracy-— Even the Jews did not have a theocracy after they demanded a king like everyone else had—and ended up with Saul. The important fact is we need do a better job at choosing for our leaders Just men (or women) who will rule in fear of God.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
The three verses above leaves no doubt about the belief of our founders that God is in control, they were putting their lives on the line because of their faith in our creator.
The first amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
People can make all kind of claims of what it means but it speaks for itself.
It tells the Congress what they can not do.
It does not tell the States what they can not do.
It does not tell religion what it can not do.
The Judges are ruling against laws that congress did not even make because they could not make them, which means the Judges are making the laws.
A few years ago the supreme court justices forced Alabama, I believe it was to take Gods commandments from the wall of the state building.
If there had been a law made by congress that Gods commandments had to be on the wall of the state building then the Judges would have been within their rights but there was no such law.
We need to have public hangings of supreme court judge`s , and use hot ropes to do it with.
And of course I will vote for Cruz but not sure I would be doing any God fearing man or woman a favor by helping them get elected.
I like Cruz’s dad more than I like Cruz, and that’s saying a lot because I like Cruz a lot!
A review of the web site of New Beginnings Church, the Irving, Texas, based church where Ted Cruz's father has preached, indicates the church is not specifically Calvinist. While he may espouse strongly conservative beliefs, there is no indications he is even Reformed, much less a dominion theology advocate. The same liberals who sneer at conservatives calling Obama a closet Muslim or closet Marxist have no qualms about their own name calling, whether racist or dominion theology advocate.