I love communion but the Eucharist mytics make it out more than it should be as the true body and blood of Jesus.
Its mostly symbolic. Jesus said, ‘do this in memory of me’. Its through prayerful examination of our hearts, confessing, praising and thanking God during the communion where transformation occurs and not the actual bread and wine which are just edible symbols as we partake.
If someone eats and drinks by partaking in communion without the prayerful process do they receive the actual body and blood of Christ? No-—Christ enters by the way of the heart and not the belly. He said, behold I stand at the door and knock’. Communion is symbolic but one receives the body and blood of Christ through the heart. The bread and wine are not a mystical holiness in food and drink form—just symbolic when mixed with prayerful receiving of them in celebrating remembrance of what Christ the Savior gave for us all——His sacrificed life unto salvation.
Then you're not only denying a Dogma of the Church which makes you at best a Cafeteria Catholic, you're also insisting that Scripture in Malichi is dead wrong when it that states His Church will offer the sacrifice from morning until night every day until His second coming.
If you're comfortable with such a denial, so be it.
I think you would benefit greatly by reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church about the Holy Eucharist. The understanding that you have given in this post is far from the true teaching of the the Church regarding this Sacrament.
I can’t help but wonder how you came about this understanding regarding such an important matter.
I agree...and where does it say this is a catholic caucus